This is simply not true!so it's on par with those big brands
This is simply not true!so it's on par with those big brands
Yeah, I can't say meeting one criteria for being good but failing in all the others makes it so.This is simply not true!
Wow, so certain.This is simply not true!
Mostly agree except the Shapton Kuromaku 12K bit. Mine was a dude, but unfortunately it was the very FIRST high grit stone I bought. Never thought of that until I got 2 sets of Naniwas, 2 sets of Shaptons and 1 set of Kings and finally had some time to do some controlled tests. So the Kuromaku 12K started my shopping spree but it did not stop there, picked up Junpaku and Fuji recently and is still eyeing Suehiro Kouseki, Maido and Gokumyo.I never understand questions like this
I have 3 stones
I will not buy more stones
Will they work for me?
No one here can really answer that for you, except you. No one here knows how well you hone and what sort of edge will satisfy you.
Your grit assessments are off. Shapton 5k and Nani 5k are very very similar in particle size, I would say impossible to discern a particle size difference between them without special tools, certainly not by feel alone.
Shapton 12k is under 1 µm. Nani 12k is thought to be close enough. It's not just a particle size only thing though. If you know how to hone then a Nani 10k can be improved on by a Shapton 12k and the Nani 12 might just seem to edge it out.
In this scenario, what matters most is how well the 3k work was done and to be honest, if your bevel wasn't set correctly prior to the 3k, by whoever honed it originally, then every thing that follows is a moot point.
Yeah, a bevel can be set on a 3k but if there is a lot of work to do I'd rather use a coarser stone. And the condition of the bevel is key - king, actually. No bevel = no edge.
Going from the Chosera 5k, approx 2.8 µm stone to an approximately 1 µm stone is asking a lot of the 5k that perhaps might be out of your wheelhouse and if the 3k work was sketch then it could easily be a bust. An ideal jump is typically smaller that that.
Me, personally, I've always felt that the 8k JIS step (approx 2µm) was critical to finalizing the bevel refinement process.
Some people tell all sorts of stories about what works and doesn't work for them though.
Everyone is different and the internet is full of stories.
Can the 3k, 5k, 12k process be done? Sure. Who will like the results?
No one knows for sure.
I'd guess that a razor honed 3k, 8k, 12k, isn't going to pass muster here. Actually, I don't have to guess so I'll just say it won't.
But anyone else might feel differently.
And if you're not going to buy more stones, then that set up has to work for you. So there's that.