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Hello from UK and opinions sought on my new Fatip

Without the Fatip stamp it’s Mk1 and looking at your blade exposure in the first picture that is most likely the case (unless you were using Kai blades which I believe you were not). The Mk1 is more aggressive than Mk2 because the blade extends more outward (and without being bent or clamped). That is something to be aware of yes.

Nice catch though! Mk1 is harder to find nowadays!
Ah that's really useful, thanks. Getting a Mk1 was pure chance. It kind of explains a lot because it looked to me that the blade reveal in some youtube videos was less than mine - tho it's hard to be sure when someone waves a razor briefly at the camera.

FYI the blade in my pic is a slightly-blunted Muhle I keep on hand for testing head-alignment.
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Well, it wasn't particularly expensive, so I ordered Piccolo from a Spanish vendor. Definitely a Mk2 this time. There's a bit of play when you fit a blade, so the usual tweaking is required, but overall the finish and build-quality seems slightly better than on the earlier model. As the handles are inter-changeable, I now have a choice ... Quite a pleasing addition to my collection.

Also the packaging is different as you may just be able to make out. It has to be said the blade reveal is a good deal less scary on the Mk2, which makes sense of a comment I read on this forum (I'm sorry I can't remember who said it) that nothing clamps a blade like a Fatip.
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Prior to the purchase of my Fatip (Piccolo open comb slant) all of my other razors worked well using the ‘riding the cap’ technique, basically using a shallow angle of attack.

When I tried this with my Fatip, I felt that I had just shaved the top layer of skin from my face.

That was around the same time there was more and more talk on this site about steep angle shaving. I tried it and it worked. My Fatip gives super close and super comfortable shaves. It made me learn about angles of attack, finding them, and even made my other razors better. So work the angles!

If ever you get a chance to get a tuck of Tiger Platinum blades, give them a shot. They are my one and only “smooth” blade and best fit for my FOCS (Fatip open comb slant)…but they are not loved by everyone.
Prior to the purchase of my Fatip (Piccolo open comb slant) all of my other razors worked well using the ‘riding the cap’ technique, basically using a shallow angle of attack.

When I tried this with my Fatip, I felt that I had just shaved the top layer of skin from my face.

That was around the same time there was more and more talk on this site about steep angle shaving. I tried it and it worked. My Fatip gives super close and super comfortable shaves. It made me learn about angles of attack, finding them, and even made my other razors better. So work the angles!

If ever you get a chance to get a tuck of Tiger Platinum blades, give them a shot. They are my one and only “smooth” blade and best fit for my FOCS (Fatip open comb slant)…but they are not loved by everyone.
Thanks for the advice. I do have tuck of those Tiger blades - but like a lot of things in this hobby they are waiting their turn to be tried. I will move them up the pecking order!

Another thing about these two Fatip heads only struck me when I compared them side by side. On a cursory inspection the base plates look identical, but the difference in the top caps is striking - with the Mk1 being 2 or 3 mm narrower in width than the Mk2. Seems inconceivable they would shave the same ... so more shaving adventures lie ahead.

Finally, I have to take back what I said above about the finish on the Mk2. The edges of the head bare quite noticeable tool marks which have simply been plated over, so couldn't be undone without exposing the brass. But, hay ho, it won't affect the shave.
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When I began traditional wet shaving a I started, as many do, with a DE89 clone which is relatively mild.

After a while, and yearning to branch out, I too purchased a MK1 fatip (the piccolo) based on multiple positive reviews on these pages.

The first shaves with it were, frankly, horrible. Tugging, irritation, stubble, blood - the works.

Happily I persevered and learned how to use it and it has now become my razor for life. I'm sure in time you'll find the same.

I've bought a variety of other razors since and can honestly say that none can hold a candle to the little fatip.
If I understand this thread, WW purchased a Fatip Grande, hasn’t yet shaved with it, has concerns about it, but then buys a Piccolo. And he has a Tech that shaves him well.

My first reaction was why don’t you simply shave with the Grande to determine if there’s a problem with it? The blade alignment doesn’t look that bad. The uneven but not crooked alignment is reminiscent of the Yuma which shaves extremely well, with a close side and a closer side, two razors in one.

Buying another Fatip before you’ve shaved with the first one is a head scratcher, particularly when you have unallayed concerns with that first one.

Finally, I’m confused why you bought any new razor when you have a Tech that shaves you well? Just curious.
"I’m confused why you bought any new razor when you have a Tech that shaves you well?"

Forgive me, but I'm confused why anyone would be puzzled by a forum member owning multiple razors! Hardly anyone on here can resist buying a load of stuff they don't strictly need or will hardly ever use. To be honest, the blade reveal on the original purchase scared me a little, and I still haven't tried it - but I will eventually.

Anyway, for anyone interested, here's a update.

I recently ran the Fatip Mk2 with the Grande handle in a side-by-side comparison with a Dorco ST300/301. (FWIW same blade IMO.) Six shaves per blade, flipping after 3. I started those blades in the English Tech and they didn't shave well. They were transformed in the Fatip. I think it's a great razor and I look forward to trying it with different blades. I don't feel I've quite got it's huckleberry yet.

I then put a Bic CP (currently my favourite blade) on #16 shave in the Fatip and got an even better shave than with the Dorcos!

But get this - I then put that Bic in a Baili BT131 and shaves 17 &18 were even better.

The journey continues.
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I know Kim, I know…I thought it was a better suggestion than to enable the max out of our newly joint brother! He is in the UK after all - Walhalla for English Gillettes, Star, Wilkinson, Kirby, and the like.

He’ll be perfectly ok restraining to only his Fatip…right?! :lol:
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