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Heck yes we need more competitions!

Thems are pretty! what a nice texture too, they look all professional, and no need for a long surface finishing sequence. I like 'em.
Thems are pretty! what a nice texture too, they look all professional, and no need for a long surface finishing sequence. I like 'em.

Yes, one reason I'm tempted to do many more scales from these shades. It takes about a quarter of the time to do vs a nice pair of wood scales with a proper finish. But I have to admit, its not nearly as satisfying.
Here's my entry. Not as pretty as some of them, but these may be a world first, scales made from an apple cider jug!


There is no front pin. The pivot pin is two rare earth magnets with a nail running through them.


It is extremely hard to melt the plastic and get it to do what you want. I wound up clamping in multiple ways trying to get them to flatten out like I wanted. With the right setup, I think these could make some really neat scales.


Staff member
Nice work guys. Last call for entries. I'll soon be trying to collate all these great entries into a poll for the voting.
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