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Hawk V3 vs Vector


I shaved a fortune
I've never really seen one up close, just from a picture. Is it actually slanted at a good angle , or is it barely tilted that it won't feel that different from a normal ac razor?
It is only slightly tilted as the AC blade is too stiff to bend, as I'm sure you know. It doesn't require any special technique. It does shave just like any other AC razor in that way..... but it's design works well on my old man, coarse whiskers.
It is only slightly tilted as the AC blade is too stiff to bend, as I'm sure you know. It doesn't require any special technique. It does shave just like any other AC razor in that way..... but it's design works well on my old man, coarse whiskers.
I wonder if Shane can tilt the razor a bit more then to make it feel more angled😃 assuming it's plausible haha


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I've never really seen one up close, just from a picture. Is it actually slanted at a good angle , or is it barely tilted that it won't feel that different from a normal ac razor?

It is only slightly tilted as the AC blade is too stiff to bend, as I'm sure you know. It doesn't require any special technique. It does shave just like any other AC razor in that way..... but it's design works well on my old man, coarse whiskers.

I wonder if Shane can tilt the razor a bit more then to make it feel more angled😃 assuming it's plausible haha
The X1 Slant does pretty much everything right.

It more "angles" the AC blade rather than "torques" the blade.
So, i'm looking to purchase a ss vector open comb at this very moment, can anyone comment for me please, which finish has the most grip, satin or machined, thanks in advance guys!
I have the Hawk v3 with both standard and A base plates. I also have the Vector Ti. My advice: proceed with caution. Hawk v3 is an outstanding razor in every respect. I get smooth and comfortable shaves every time with either base plate. And yes, I love the Kai Captain Titan Mild Pink blades.

Vector Ti is a marvel of engineering. There really is nothing like it. However, it's considerably more aggressive than Hawk v3. If you're not careful, it's much, much easier to get cuts and nicks with the Vector Ti than with the Hawk v3. I haven't tried the Vector Lite base plate because Blackland doesn't make one in titanium. I have tried my Vector Ti with both Feather and Kai guarded blades. A bit better experience than with regular blades but still nowhere near the level of comfort I get with the Hawk v3 and regular blades.

So, Vector Ti is certainly more efficient than Hawk v3, but I enjoy shaving with Hawk v3 much more. The level of comfort afforded by the Hawk v3 beats Vector Ti efficiency every time, IMO. There's one AC razor that combines the best of both worlds: superb comfort and efficiency. It's La Faulx by Atelier Durdan. I have the Classique base plate in stainless steel and I'm currently in the process of getting the + and ++ base plates. Yes, it's that good. It's the best razor I have ever tried.
I haven't used a La Faulx yet, but hawk v3 I have and I'd say it looks and probably feels like the baby brother to the La Faulx. I'll be shaving tonight for my second shave with the vector oc and trying a feather soft guard to see if that takes a bit of the edge off from using a Kai captian titan mild pink last night. I've said it before but the hawk v3 is an amazing AC razor and an immensely good value at 70$ which produces a very mild and good shave for anyone looking for that in thier arsenal.
I have the Hawk V3 standard (have the OC and aggressive plate too) and the vector SS in standard and lite. with the lite plate on the Vector I love it. I still grab for the Hawk V3 (Standard) more often as disassembly is slightly easier. Always struggle to get the the blade off the pins. But as far as engineering and feel is concerned the Vector is beautiful. Both give me a great comfortable shave. I couldn't use the Vectors Standard plate skin always rebelled so very happy the lite plate is available. Would highly recommend either razor.
I just used the Hawk A plate and it is for me more efficient and a bit less comfortable than the Standard. I am still on the fence between the Vector and the Alpha Spirit for my next SE.
I just used the Hawk A plate and it is for me more efficient and a bit less comfortable than the Standard. I am still on the fence between the Vector and the Alpha Spirit for my next SE.
Are you shaving shallow with it? If you're shaving steep or neutral, it won't feel smooth and comfortable. I Found this out the hard way. Once I adjusted the angle, it was smooth sailing. 👍
Well, I just received the Vector in SS with the lite SB. This razor is a work of art. The razor is so smooth and removes my hair effortlessly. This razor shaves on autopilot. I'm currently using a Kai Captain blade. And this combo is absolutely butter with a face shave and/or head shave. To date, my most efficient razor is the Feather Kamisori SR. The Vector has the same efficiency but can go places that my Feather Kamisori SR can't get to. I took advantage of the Blackland sale. This razor is $$$ but it is well worth the price. Thanks again Shane and Blackland Razor Company.
Well, I just received the Vector in SS with the lite SB. This razor is a work of art. The razor is so smooth and removes my hair effortlessly. This razor shaves on autopilot. I'm currently using a Kai Captain blade. And this combo is absolutely butter with a face shave and/or head shave. To date, my most efficient razor is the Feather Kamisori SR. The Vector has the same efficiency but can go places that my Feather Kamisori SR can't get to. I took advantage of the Blackland sale. This razor is $$$ but it is well worth the price. Thanks again Shane and Blackland Razor Company.

Glad to hear that. Thanks for giving the Vector a shot!
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