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Has anyone else noticed this about YouTubers shaving with cream and bowl?

So my comment was disappeared. Well, my subscription disappeared soon after, too!
What amazes me is that people don't know how YouTube works.
The platform's own algorithm filters out sensitive words that it considers possible spam or offensive and deletes the comment. IT IS NOT THE OWNER OF THE CHANNEL WHO DELETES IT!
What amazes me is that people don't know how YouTube works.
The platform's own algorithm filters out sensitive words that it considers possible spam or offensive and deletes the comment. IT IS NOT THE OWNER OF THE CHANNEL WHO DELETES IT!
Is it your expectation that a discussion of razors and blades contains offensive words? Or that YT would consider a premium member a spammer?
Is it your expectation that a discussion of razors and blades contains offensive words? Or that YT would consider a premium member a spammer?
And yes. You are unaware of how the platform works. Even without seemingly sensitive words, it considers something sensitive and automatically deletes it.

every day I have comments there automatically deleted.
If you write long text, sometimes it gets erased.
If you write words like Instagram, Facebook or other competing platforms, it will be deleted.
If you write a few comments in a short period of time, it gets deleted.
If you have a comment deleted and then try to post another different text again, it will be deleted.
if you post links, it deletes.
Sometimes you post something and for no apparent reason the algorithm deletes it.

So, if you unsubscribe every time a comment of yours disappears from YouTube, there will be no channel left to follow, because the algorithm deletes it WHENEVER it wants!

The channel owner probably doesn't have time to keep deleting what he doesn't like and losing followers.

What I see is people complaining that their comments are being deleted, complaining to the channel owner and he is trying to explain that it is not him who is deleting the comments, even if they are negative, it is the platform itself AUTOMATICALLY BECAUSE YES!
It's all about looks on YouTube. Creators tend to want to show the high volume, meringue textured lathers that go on the face and make you look like Santa. As many who have spent enough time on this forum know, this is not the ideal lather for shaving.

A thinner, wet lather is much slicker for shaving.

I find this too. I scoop/bowl lather and I used to use far too much soap/cream. It was detrimental to the shave. Because the mix was too thick, heavy and dry.. not wet/slick enough. There was so much soap in the bowl I was never getting a ideal lather as when I'd lather in the bowl, it was always adding more soap to the mix as there was too much product to begin with.

I cut down a lot on how much soap I use.. it's not that I'm trying to save it, I could care less about that aspect, but that it gives a much better lather to shave with when I use less. Now I use much less product.. the less product so higher quantity of water provides much superior lubrication rather than trying to cut through a layer of heavy, dry cool whip-like lather.

I now like a much thinner wetter consistency of lather.. adding more water, I find it helps the blade glide. I like how some open comb razor collects a little water and puts it above where your will take the shave stroke. If using other razors I sometimes take a little few drips on my fingers and drip it there prior to the stroke if I feel the lather is still a bit on the dry side.

Just like Father Jack says... "More water!"

Yes, way too much lather. They whip up a rich, thick, lather that looks like cool-whip topping that they're about to put on top of a pumpkin pie. Being a daily shaver I'd go broke if I used the amount some of these guys show in the videos. That said, I like watching some of the reviews to see how products I'm interested in perform, and especially to read the comments from guys that have used the products on a regular basis. Those comments are a far better gauge to me as to what to expect from a particular product. Similar to reading member comments here.
Funny thing about using a lot of cream to get a lather. Not sure what the deal is with Captain's Choice creams but they don't lather as well as their soap does, at least for me they don't. I bet I had close to a tablespoon and had just enough lather for three passes and not much left. I use distilled water also because my hard water this cream will barely lather at all. I have two of their creams and I have the same trouble lathering on both. Today I even tried to keep adding more and more water to see if that made a difference and it did not, it just started getting thinner. I have no issues getting an abundance of lather from their soaps and doubt I use half as much.
Yes, I do use distilled water, the bad thing is I have a couple Captions Choice creams, they still don't lather to well with distilled water. Now their soaps I have no issues even with hard water. The CC creams, beside hard to lather, don't seem to perform as well as their soaps do.
I have insane hard water but its funny as the CC soaps for me do not perform anywhere near the creams :)

this is the old we just need to try everything for ourselves as we all have unique experiences
With a tablespoon of Proraso, I could do a three pass shave on a cow.
Precisely. This nub of Proraso Wood and Spice shaving cream provided twice as much lather as I needed for today's excellent 3 pass shave.

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