The test was cutting calibrated (to BESS standard) nylon monofilament and measuring the force. Artificial wear was cutting office paper strips.What was the test? Are there the SS Clouds and Peral Max and is GSB missing?
I really wanted to try the Pearl Max blades but I think I would survive without them.
I tested over 300 blades, and then took the standard deviation of cutting force from each wear point in the test. Low standard deviation should indicate a durable blade. I sorted the list by standard deviation then removed some blades of different format or obscure blades. I removed some Indian blades because the collapse of the Supermax Malhotra family businesses means it is hard to keep track of what is actually still in production. The editing was quick and from memory, so if I wasn't sure it got chopped.
GSB just didn't perform well enough in this regard to make the cut.