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Growing more facial hair?

What other explanation could there be for this anomaly?
One thing that annoys me about the persistence of this myth is that no one who thinks it is true can actually explain why it's true, which is to say, they cannot explain why shearing the hair would have any effect on the way it grows. Rather, they rely on inconclusive anecdotal evidence of the existence of the phenomenon, then, in the absence of an actual explanation of why the phenomenon exists, they nevertheless conclude, "what other explanation is there?" If someone can actually explain, in credible terms, the mechanism by which shaving makes the hair grow fuller or faster, I'd sure like to hear it.
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My $0.02

I am in the camp that shaving does not create more hair follicles. However, when transitioning from a cartridge to a DE you may think that your facial hair is growing faster. I attribute this to the fact that many cartridges actually pull the hair up and cut below the surface of the skin. I find that a DE shave lasts me twelve hours while a cartridge shave went a full twenty four before I noticed stubble. Some might think that their facial hair is growing "faster" with the DE because of this.

I second this.

Agreed. Shaving my head is definitely not making the hair grow back.
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