what kind of shelf-life does JM Frasers have? I know most creams have an expiration date....proraso and the bodyshop maca root have a 12 month exp date.
They lie. I have had my tube of Proraso longer than that, and it is still good.
When I got my first tub of Fraser's, that was my same reaction: "O Boy, this stuff smells like hospital disinfectant....in fact, an English product called Dettol. It really put me off.
However, after shaving with it for a while, I love the stuff. It is so good, that the scent just doesn't bother me at all any more. Just give it a chance...the love affair will develop.
and i'm not sure what to think of the scent. it reminds of detergent. does it smell the same when lathered up? what do the other scents smell like?
like any true DE shaver I stop in the bathroom a few times a day to catch a whiff of my soaps and creams.