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Goodfella Razor Group Buy

I just got my satin black in the mail today. Shaved with it for the first time this evening using a Derby. Full disclosure: My only other DE experience, as I'm relatively new to all this, is with a Merkur HD, which I really like.

I have a light beard and pretty sensitive skin, especially my neck. I can get away with shaving every other day. For me, the Goodfella is the razor by which all others will be judged. In fact, I'm probably done buying razors now. That solves any RAD issues that were likely to pop up.

I agree that the Goodfella is less aggressive than my Merkur. May try a feather blade at some point and see how dangerous that gets. My favorite points about this razor are:

  • the amazing machine work. stellar build quality.
  • minimalist design.
  • easy to rinse/nowhere for shave cream to hide.
  • no irritation during/after the shave.

I've heard about quality control issues with Merkurs. Mine is fine, but I can't imagine QC being an issue with the Goodfellas. It's so well built (speaking as someone who's had custom engine parts machined). Assuming they maintain this level of quality, I could see the Goodfella becoming the premiere modern razor. Look out Merkur!

Another big thanks to John at shavingessentials.net.
I received one of the Goodfellas in chrome from John at Shaving Essentials. At first I was concerned that the handle was going to be a bit slippery but to my surprise, that isn't the case. Others have posted similar experiences on this issue. Maybe the nice grip of even a smooth handle has to do with it being made out of stainless steel, perhaps someone who knows metals can comment on this. Next, I looked the razor over from a quality of craftsmanship point of view. As far as I can tell, it exudes quality! Last, to the shave. I have shaved with this razor over a dozen times and like it very much. It has become my go-to razor for the first pass. I especially like the maneuverability and something that I think of as "visibility" over and around the razor. I have a partial beard and being able to maneuver easily and "see" where I'm shaving is very important to me. I have gouged out chunks in my beard with many other razors but not with this one. Lastly, I must say that I didn't like the shave with the supplied Derby blades. After one shave I switched over to Gillette Swedes and have had really excellent shaves every time.
My all chrome version just arrived in today's mail and it looks sweet. The head design and fit is very reminiscent of the Gillette Old Type. Others haven't mentioned, but mine also included (in the razor box) a pack of Derby blades. John, as usual, was also generous with the samples to go along with the order.

The handle seems a bit short as compared to my Merkurs, but I think the grips will be in the right place (actually high on the handle) for a good shave.

Thanks John for taking this on and for the extra goodies!

Added 6 # 11 Rubber O rings Still looks cool but adds a bit more grip.Also found a way to make a neat razor holder. Use a 4 inch L shaped angle iron with a 3/4 inch eye bolt. polish on buffer and cut bolt to length. (costs about $3.00 and 1/2 hour at buffer Harvey
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