Hola B&B,
I see a lot of people suggesting that honing-newbies stay away from GDs and look into vintage ebay razors, but I'm really in love with the idea of taking a $3 razor-shaped piece of metal and turning it into something awesome with my own two hands. I'm gonna keep at it until I get it right, but since I seem to be stuck I thought ask you kind folks for some help.
Any thoughts/advice?
My advice is the same as what I quoted from your post. If you enjoy the challenge of making a low-end razor shave well, knock yourself out. But if you are interested in learning how to become a straight razor shaver and maintain your own blade, avoid these at all costs.
It was helpful for me when the experienced members here listed certain razors to avoid, because in pictures on ebay or elsewhere they look good. If I had started with one of those and had the problems you are having I might have given up and blamed myself for my failure.