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Give me your top 3 razor blades to use.

Still kind of new to wet shaving, but the only blades that have worked for me are as follows...

Gillette Silver Blue
**As of yet to be chosen**
It depends what Razor I am using but these three are my favorites to date:

1. Vintage Gillette stainless and super stainless (Smooth, sharp & long lasting)
2. Wilkinson Sword (German made, medium sharpness and long lasting)
3. Perma-Sharp Super (Smooth, sharp & long lasting)

Honorable mention to Rapira's. Dirt cheap, sharp blade but I can only get 2 full shaves out of them. I prefer blades that I can get some decent mileage out of but when Rapira's cost a third of the price of Wilkies or Perma-Sharp super's, its a mute point.
1. Sputniks, the regular Teflon coated ones seem to work the best for me and I can push them to between 6-8 shaves (which is a big plus when they're $30 for 100)
2. Personna Lab Blues, don't last as long as the Sputniks with only 3-4 shaves per blade but they're much cheaper at $12 for 100
3. Derbys, I get the same amount of shaves out of these as the Labs and they're the cheapest of the bunch at $9 or less per 100 AND you can get them in any Sallys for a fair price.

I only keep stocked up on 1 and 2, but I'll pick up some Derbys for a change of pace every now and then.
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Lab Blue Personna Double Edge Blades (blue box), Medical Personna Double Edge Prep Blades (white box) (for hospital use), Timor Stainless Steel.
There are many that I have not tried. Presently, I like Feathers, Voskhod, and my clear favorite overall are Polsilver SI.
So far:

1. Personna Med Prep/Labs
2. Gillette Silver Blues
3. Polsilver SI

I have some Gillette Blacks that I haven't tried yet and I'm going to pick up some Voskhod's soon so this may change.
I've already posted here, but I've changed my mind because I've just discovered Voskhod blades!!!

1. Voskhod
2. Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellow
3. Feather
So far: PolSilver SI, red IP, and Shark super chrome. But I have yet to try Gillette Silver Blues or 7 o'clock yellows, among many others. Hated Derby and Astra SP.
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