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GEM SE PTFE coated group buy - raise your hand if interested

Is someone stepping up to place the order or not?

Still pending mod approval.

*KNOCK KNOCK* Mods, anyone out there?

I'd be in for one. So we need 50 people, or at least people to claim 50 cartons?

Just enough people to claim 50 cartons. I figured more would want more than 1 carton since they are over $20 a carton, plus shipping, from that Ted Pella site.

I was asked about shipping internationally. If I, or someone else, gets approved to move forward with this group buy international shipping shouldn't be an issue. Assuming 1 or 2 cartons could fit in the smallest USPS flat rate box, shipping would be less than $14 total. You can check your own quote here, simply select your location in step 1 then choose a package size in step 4:
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I think one or two cartons of 100 would fit in a $4.95 Piriority Box.

I will check and let you know. If the cost is less than $20 per carton of 100, I will take one.
We’re at almost 60%. I want two cartons. That brings the total to:
  1. relaxandshave – 4
  2. gaj90027 – 1
  3. michiganlover – 1
  4. rvmx – 1
  5. Soopercat – 1
  6. Balthier – 1
  7. Balto – 1
  8. brianw – 1
  9. Bit2 – 1
  10. mark mw – 1
  11. Mr. O – Maybe ??
  12. Maul555 – 2
  13. OV1kenobi – 1
  14. jmit – 1
  15. rummwa – 1
  16. K.T. – 1
  17. D.Irving79 – 1
  18. ambrose – 1
  19. Lucky11453 – 1
  20. JJMontague – 1
  21. roffles – 1
  22. DunEdinRanger – 1 (If less than $20/carton)
  23. Sailorman – 1
  24. Veritas II – 2
Total – 28
We’re at almost 60%. I want two cartons. That brings the total to:
  1. relaxandshave – 4
  2. gaj90027 – 1
  3. michiganlover – 1
  4. rvmx – 1
  5. Soopercat – 1
  6. Balthier – 1
  7. Balto – 1
  8. brianw – 1
  9. Bit2 – 1
  10. mark mw – 1
    [*]Mr. O – 2
  11. Maul555 – 2
  12. OV1kenobi – 1
  13. jmit – 1
  14. rummwa – 1
  15. K.T. – 1
  16. D.Irving79 – 1
  17. ambrose – 1
  18. Lucky11453 – 1
  19. JJMontague – 1
  20. roffles – 1
  21. DunEdinRanger – 1 (If less than $20/carton)
  22. Sailorman – 1
  23. Veritas II – 2
Total – 28

Fixed it for you.:wink2:
Fixed it for you.:wink2:

We’re at almost 60%. I want two cartons. That brings the total to:
  1. relaxandshave – 4
  2. gaj90027 – 1
  3. michiganlover – 1
  4. rvmx – 1
  5. Soopercat – 1
  6. Balthier – 1
  7. Balto – 1
  8. brianw – 1
  9. Bit2 – 1
  10. mark mw – 1
  11. Mr. O – 2
  12. Maul555 – 2
  13. OV1kenobi – 1
  14. jmit – 1
  15. rummwa – 1
  16. K.T. – 1
  17. D.Irving79 – 1
  18. ambrose – 1
  19. Lucky11453 – 1
  20. JJMontague – 1
  21. roffles – 1
  22. DunEdinRanger – 1 (If less than $20/carton)
  23. Sailorman – 1
  24. Veritas II – 2
Total – 30

And fixed for you :lol:
I pm'd a mod asking for an update on the group buy request.
DunEdRanger, these will be less than $20 if 1 or 2 fit in the $5 flat rate boxes.
And fixed for you :lol:
I pm'd a mod asking for an update on the group buy request.
DunEdRanger, these will be less than $20 if 1 or 2 fit in the $5 flat rate boxes.

I just measured and you should be able to fit four in those boxes, if the 100 pack is in the same container as those sold by Ted Pella.

If it's $11.16 per case plus 4.95 shipping for the small flat rate box, I'll take two. $28.27 for two?
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Let's get this moving. I will change to TWO cartons.
My bullet tipped Gem Micro-matic has been a perfect shaver.

Hard to believe I like this more than my double edge shavers.

I am thinking that a reference to this thread should be on the BST for the purpose of dragging this horse over the finish line of 50 cartons, seeing as how we are so close now. :a53::thumbup1:
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