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GEM SE PTFE coated group buy - raise your hand if interested

Got mine yesterday and shaved for the first time with the 1912 today. WOW I'm liking the distinctive sound of that blade...:thumbup:

Thanks Brian for all your work
rvmx – 1
Soopercat – 1
elveeskee - 1
ferroburak - 1
Rexall -2

In the hands of the Post office.... all packages have now been mailed....
Holy smokes... I just had my best shave yet with these SE blades. Now I just need to find some money for my SERAD...
Received my (100) blades yesterday. Thanks!

Haven't used them yet as I still a few of the "carbon steel" blades to burn through. I did rotate back to my SE shaver this morning & what a shave! Those DE only guys don't know what they are missing.

Got mine a few days ago. Now I don't need to go to Walgreens for at least a year!

You can easily get a week's shave from one blade. 100 blades should be about two years worth.

Mine arrived today. I'm set for the next several years.

I would be remiss if I did not thank you, R&S for starting this and getting mod approval. Thanks to your efforts also, we have fine blades and a jersey meet up!
I would be remiss if I did not thank you, R&S for starting this and getting mod approval. Thanks to your efforts also, we have fine blades and a jersey meet up!

As I would be remiss in the thank you as well

Thanks gentlemen. I'm just glad it finally received approval and everyone was patient enough to stick with the effort. We should all be well off for awhile. All I ask is you take some pictures of your get together :) I still have yet to figure out what a ripper is :biggrin1:
Shaved with a GEM Featherweight and this blade today, very close three pass shave. No blood, a little local irritation, not too bad though. As it was my first SE shave, I could have gone with a two pass, but hey! I'm wild and crazy. I used Mama Bear's Marauders Citrus soap with the razor and lathered with a quite new Omega Pro 48 boar. I could get to like SE shaving.
Mr. Postman delivered the goods today.:thumbup1:

Will shave with them tomorrow with my 1912 and report back! Thanks again for setting this up and thank you to B&B for allowing this to happen!



Just shaved a little while ago. The blade felt as smooth as my Gem blades from Walgreens! Very nice and definitely cheaper than Walgreens! Way to go B&B!
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