So I got asked about how I rebuilt a button on a stem in another thread. So as not to derail that thread, and seeing as I had a very, very grimy Ehrlich State pipe in a bag of pipes that need A LOT of work I figured I'd document the restoration here.
So this is what we are working with.
So this pipe is GROSS, full stop.
I started by reaming the bowl, and low and behold, it was once Meer lined. I say once because most of the lining had crumbled and wasn't with the bowl anymore. I reamed what I could (used a pocket knife) and then took some Murphy's Oil Soap to the bowl. Meanwhile I had started soaking what is left of the stem in Oxiclean.
I scrubbed the bowl, then I scrubbed it some more, then, yup you guessed it, scrubbed it some more. I got it mostly clean, but the rim was torched. So I sanded the rim with some 600 grit sandpaper. After that I did a salt + alcohol treatment.
So this is what we are working with.
So this pipe is GROSS, full stop.
I started by reaming the bowl, and low and behold, it was once Meer lined. I say once because most of the lining had crumbled and wasn't with the bowl anymore. I reamed what I could (used a pocket knife) and then took some Murphy's Oil Soap to the bowl. Meanwhile I had started soaking what is left of the stem in Oxiclean.
I scrubbed the bowl, then I scrubbed it some more, then, yup you guessed it, scrubbed it some more. I got it mostly clean, but the rim was torched. So I sanded the rim with some 600 grit sandpaper. After that I did a salt + alcohol treatment.