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How I wish we had similar malls here in India

This is an awsome concept...wonder why some enterprising Indian has not thought of it yet !!!!

Maybe I should.......but I am too old for that kind of initiative !!!

Then maybe I can inspire someone.........BUT WILL IT WORK HERE IN INDIA ?????


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Antique Hoosier

All junk straights...

Antique Hoosier

Half a dozen cased Old Type Gillettes. Nothing special. Off to my next stop.
Gasplant was a ghost town. Final stop next... Patty's Antiques
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I just gotta say, this is such a GREAT idea!:thumbup1: B&B, now STREAMING LIVE!!:lol: Hoosier, you DA MAN!!:thumbup::thumbup:

(...As if we all didn't already obsess enough about shaving...):blush::lol::lol::lol:

Antique Hoosier

3 Basic Gillette Techs and a Clix Razor. I should have called it a day after my first stop! I will try this again no doubt!
I hope you are going to continue shopping. I just love this. Antique shopping is all we Hoosiers do, besides shave and play basketball.:letterk1:

I hope you are going to continue shopping. I just love this. Antique shopping is all we Hoosiers do, besides shave and play basketball.:letterk1:


We have a giant antique mall near me in Edinburgh Indiana. Several hundred thousand square feet of space. I spent several hours in there over the course of two Saturdays and only found a broken down lady injector and a broken/rotted old horse hair brush. :thumbdown
Very cool idea for a thread, thanks!

Crazy how you can go through a huge mall and not find anything. You would think shaving items would be so much more common!

Antique Hoosier

Thanks Gentlemen! This thread will be updated when I get the chance to go "hunting" again. I'm basically a minimalist but I do like a good hunt... The Bismarck razor was $30 and the NOS Williams stick was $8. I encourage other B&B members to document their "LIVE Antique hunts" on this or their own threads... It's fun!!! I can't believe I didn't think about it before now... Here are the two items I "bagged" today...

I am going to do a full review of the Williams Soap Shave Stick and the Bismarck.... Be looking for them!
This is a great thread, Mike. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I have to think that this kind of hunt beats the Bay any day.
Agreed. This was a great thread. I may attempt something similar on my next hunting trip. Unfortunately, most of the things I find are crap.

Thanks for taking us with you.
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