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FFFMM (Fixed Four For March Madness) 2025 Edition

Dave himself

No Words of Wisdom

Razor= Weck Sextoblade
Blade= Personna Hair Shaper
Brush= Shavemac pure badger
Preshave Pears Soap
Soap= Tabac tallow
Aftershave= Witch Hazel Mentholated


Shower and shave before bedtime, nothing like it.
Wednesday 3/5 Shave
Same Razor/Blade/Brush/Soap All Month

Dang near BBS shave this morning
Eighth Use on the KAI Blade and still effective
I am impressed with this thinner straight blade

Razor: ANNIE Feather Cut Stainless Shavette
Blade: KAI PINK Feather Cut Blade (8X)
Lather: Tcheon Fung Sing Crema Purissima Per Barba
Brush: the Holy Black Horn Handle BADGER
Post Shave: Osage/Mennen Splash Mix
Post Shave: Suavecito Bay Rum Aftershave

A benefit that I’m discovering with FFFMM is that I have the opportunity to discover what a/s compliments my soap of choice for this month. So far, I’m still discovering. This one is ok with the MdC Rose but, not necessarily giving me that “a-ha” moment. I’ll keep working at it. Meanwhile… a fabulous shave this morning. Blade is just like it was on #1 as it is on #4. I love my badger brushes but, this Mühle STF is going to give those badger bastards a run, that’s for sure.

Make it a great day!


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.

Last night’s pleasant shave
RazoRock Game Changer 0.68OC on PAA el Fantasma handle
Cloud Bruce Lee (1)
Damp facecloth aka “shave binky”
AP ShaveCo Beehive Titanium UHD 28mm synthetic brush
Pre-shave: brushed cold water on face with brush
Lather: BSS#1 unscented, face-lathered
Aftershave: Olm Nom
Post-shave: lukewarm shower :001_wub: and a drop of hyaluronic acid and a drop of glycerin
Post-shave: Equate moisturizer

For some reason, I thought shaving would minimal prep and skimming away like my last shave’s clean up work would be faster than showering, thoroughly washing my face three times, and dragging my skin over the blade. Was totally right, but showering first might have made it a little closer. Of course I’m on something, but maybe I’m also onto something. Can’t wait until next shave!
2025 FFFMM — SOTD #4

Cream: Cella Rapid
Razor: Fine 2020 "Worlds Finest Safety Razor"
Blade: Perma-Sharp (2)
ASL: Clubman Special Reserve

Another superb shave. :biggrin:

I reckon this is the best "fixed four" I've had to date. Sticking to super steep, but with VIRTUALLY NO PRESSURE. :w00t:

Happy shaves guys. :cornut:
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