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FFFMM (Fixed Four For March Madness) 2025 Edition

Day 3. Have a blessed day gentlemen. 😊
That brush sounds like a real pig... to save your bacon, do you soak it in hot water before using it? Perhaps you can also try what causes split ends in humans... dry the suckler with a hairdryer!
I soak all my boars in room temperature distilled water. I don’t want to use a hair dryer on the knot. The pictures I’ve seen of this method has the splits looking frizzy which I don’t prefer. My opinion is this is just a one-off. I’ve used a dozen different boars and this one doesn’t act or resemble any of them.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.

Last night’s decadent shave
RazoRock Game Changer 0.68OC on PAA el Fantasma handle
Cloud Bruce Lee (1)
Damp facecloth aka “shave binky”
AP ShaveCo Beehive Titanium UHD 28mm synthetic brush
Pre-shave: warm shower :001_wub: with Irish Spring
Lather: BSS#1 unscented, face-lathered
Aftershave: Olm Nom
Post-shave: face wash with shave binky and a drop of hyaluronic acid and a drop of glycerin
Post-shave: Equate moisturizer

I don’t know if it was substituting my glycerin bath soap with regular bath soap, using a blade that wasn’t in the razor when I accidentally dropped it the other day, or shaving on just 23 hours growth, but it was even more enjoyable than the previous shave. Not BBS, but also not how’d I miss all that?!” Auspicious start to the month!
Monday 3/3 Shave
Same Razor/Blade/Brush/Soap All Month

Sixth Shave on the KAI blade & going strong
Full Three Pass resulted in a DFS+ shave
TFS Soap & Badger Brush both are BANGER choices

Razor: ANNIE Feather Cut Stainless Shavette
Blade: KAI PINK Feather Cut Blade (6X)
Lather: Tcheon Fung Sing Crema Purissima Per Barba
Brush: the Holy Black Horn Handle BADGER
Post Shave: Osage/Mennen Splash Mix
Post Shave: Siete Machos Locion Aftershave

I soak all my boars in room temperature distilled water. I don’t want to use a hair dryer on the knot. The pictures I’ve seen of this method has the splits looking frizzy which I don’t prefer. My opinion is this is just a one-off. I’ve used a dozen different boars and this one doesn’t act or resemble any of them.
It must just be a wild boar... I hope you are able to tame the beast this month! Best of luck!
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