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Favorite Cream and Why?

Speick - very nice lavender scent, excellent lather, very slick.

Musgo Real Original - so and so scent but excellent lather.

Edwin Jagger - all of them but Aloe Vera in particular. Very nice scent and excellent lather.
GFT Violet, like the scent and it works good.
I like Simpsons cream as well,just a little of this on the brush and there more than enough for a 3 pass shave.
TOBS- lemon&lime, Jermyn st, and Eton College are my favorites so far. I love the performance as they give me a great cushioned slick shave with very little work to get a great lather.
-They also leave my skin very soft afterwards. Best creams I have used so far. GFT coconut is a close second to the Tobs creams.
I'm more of a soap guy, but I'd have to say my favorite cream is GFT. Great lather and great scent.

Honorable mentions, in no particular order: AOS Sandalwood, Bluebeard's Revenge, Irisch Moos, Maca Root.

I have a tub of Nancy Boy but haven't gotten around to trying it yet.
Truefitt & Hill 1805.
It's the only cream for which I keep a back up jar. The performance is good to very good, but to be honest, I am addicted to the scent.

I've tried quite a few creams and soaps, including the most popular like Proraso, Spieck, MWF, and Conk, and the one I went back to and am staying with is HeadBlade's HeadSlick. I get no burn on my neck which is my problem area. The only other to come close was MWF (soap, I know). HeadSlick is easier to find, cheaper and works the best for my very tough beard.
Proraso because after the first pass, the skin is still super slippery which allows clean up and detailing to be done easily with irritation free results. Plus the smell and cooling effect is very nice.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
This should be a fun one. I enjoy seeing different opinions to help identify my next cream.

What is your favorite go to cream and why?

Mine is Castle Forbes Lavender.. Great scent even better performance.
I would add that I use half (or less) the amount of other creams and it comes in a large tub - so it is very economical.
Proraso green, for ease of lathering and a comfortable shave. Call me crazy but I love the smell of it as well.
How quickly people forget the hit of 2009..... Nancy Boy Signature!!!! :thumbup:
Really wish I could try this!!! :(;
I live in Canada, and they no longer ship here.
I hear that eShave Verbena Lime is a good contender though - anyone else had the pleasure of comparing the two?
I think I may have changed my favorite from Musgo Real to O Melhor. Love the fresh marine scent of O Melhor. Both perform great for me. Both have lanolin. Toss up!

These creams are getting expensive! $13.02 USD before shipping from one vendor. Beauty.com has Musgo for $10 and you can get free shipping on an order over $35. Heck, throw in some Musgo ASL!
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Truefitt & Hill 1805.
It's the only cream for which I keep a back up jar. The performance is good to very good, but to be honest, I am addicted to the scent.
My nose detects some similarity between 1805 and O Melhor. 1805 is a bit lighter, maybe more citrusy, than O Melhor, and both smell great. Great morning motivation scents.
Spencer and Devon sagebrush, absolutely the best for me

+1. By far the most protective during the shave, best face feel after. I'm not sure about the scent, which is indeed fascinating. But that's secondary to function in this case. I have not tried the Spice, and am very high on the unscented as well as the Sagebrush.
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