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Fancy Dancy Scuttle Question and Recommendation

This is an example of the traditional scuttle. GFT has one in Oxford blue, and you can often find different vintage examples on eBay. Once in a while you can even find one in sterling silver - for a price. It seems to me that the heavy clay, double-walled scuttle/mixing bowl is a recent innovation. What you gain in heat-retaining practicality comes at the expense of size and elegance. It's all a question of personal preference and trade-offs.

Just in case fellas,

This is not a scuttle you build lather in. The soap sits on the top, while the warm water keeps the soap warm. You stick your brush in the side to keep it warm as well. The other scuttles posted on here actually allowed you to build lather in the bowl.
Part of the enjoyment of a scuttle is the "hand thrown" aspect.

I find the ones that are "mass produced, mold formed" to be very boring. They work well but lack the "charm" of a hand thrown scuttle

True that
Thanks. and there are threads and threads of people who just love that hand thrown "charm". I'm hoping this could be a thread of recommendations for users that don't have a personal preference for that aesthetic. It also seems that finding one that doesn't have a "unique" hand thrown charm is a bit more rare.
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The Georgetown that I posted a pic of is a mold formed scuttle. They do a little hand working but for the most part any you get from them are going to be all peas in a pod (i.e. identical).

I like mine but there is no variation from one to the next other than the color of the glaze.


I do not know of any other mass produced scuttles other than these.
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I have the DB1.5. It looks fine. In fact, you want it to look kind of "chunky" too, because that tells you it means business and will stand up to a lifetime of wear and tear. I've knocked it against my basin, tapware, benchtop, etc, and I've never damaged it. I'm actually more concerned about it damaging the other things in the bathroom.
Heard back about the G20 and they currently do not offer an all black glaze. Still need to check out that cheap Cost Plus one.
I have the World Market warming pitcher. It works nicely as a brush scuttle between passes. I find it difficult to build a lather in it. Its proportions are off for effectively swirling a brush in my opinion. It either needs to be an inch or two wider or an inch less deep. That being said, I use it nearly every shave so I definitely got my $8 out of it.
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