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Ever met anyone famous - what were they like?

I have met several famous people as I make my living as a musician. I remember Al Martino having a horrible temper . Regis Philbin and Bob Newhart are just as they are on tv very nice guys. I also met Gene Simmons from KISS . in person he is a real down to earth , gracious gentleman.
George Lincoln Rockwell. Don't ask.

Plus a number of Olympic athletes (cycle racers) but maybe they aren't all that famous overall so I don't know if they count.
I used to officiate Freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling, the styles wrestled in the Olympics. I have had the oppurtunity to officiate Rulon Gardner , Randy Couture, Dan Henderson, and Chael Sonnen. I quit officiating this style in 2004, a few years later when Randy Couture was at a gym opening in Kansas City I went just to say hi. He spotted me in line and waved me to the front of the line. we talked for a few minutes and he told me to stick around and he wanted me to eat dinner with him and a few other UFC guys that were there. Went and ate with the guys and talked wrestling, fighting and hunting all night.
Evander Holyfield

I was working at the Nashville International Airport in the early 90's. At this point in time he was the Heavyweight Champion. He came into the shop I was working. I was so star struck, I can't even remember what he bought. After I picked my mouth up off the floor, we exchanged pleasantries. He was very nice. He gave my co-worker (a girl) his autograph, hug, and a kiss (on the cheek). To describe the man as a gentleman is an understatement.
Thought of another one that happened just a couple of years ago. I was going through security at the Nashville airport. The place was almost deserted with one guy ahead of me kind of dressed down in a faded t-shirt and jeans. He went on through but the ladies in security half stood up and heads turning to watch him as he left. Then chattering amongst themselves. "Oh my gosh - was that HIM?" "It was, indeed it was so help me..." Back and forth they went, palm to the forehead nearly swooning. Nobody behind me and I'm just standing there waiting for them to look at my bag. So I had to ask them, "Who was it?"

"Why, that was Keith URBAN!"

I gave them the blankest look in the world. I am no country fan, classic rock is my forte and so I had never heard of him. So I explained I had never heard of him. They both turned in unison to look at each other. Then back to me. "KEITH URBAN!" they said louder.

They explained he was a well known singer based in Nashville and was married to Nicole Kidman. So I thought, well I'll just see if I can catch up with 'ol Keith. I put my shoes back on and started walking to my gate. Lo and behold along the way there was the faded t-shirt and longish hair along with a backpack. So I went up to him and said, "Excuse me, I don't know who you are but you sure did make the day for those ladies back in security." He stood up and with a grin extended his hand, "My name is Keith Urban." I told him I listened to classic rock and so had not heard his name before. I am here to tell you the guy was so genuine it was a hoot. Asked what brought me to Nashville, etc. A salt of the earth type. Now of course I see him on the red carpet at Hollywood events, etc.
I met Jimmy Carter on a flight from Frankfurt to Atlanta. He came and woke me up just to say hello. I'm guessing he noticed my haircut. He was very nice in a grandfatherly way. The whole time he was talking I really wanted to ask him about the Iranian hostage incident but decided against it. Btw he flew coach.
Ive met a lot.
Obama right before he was elected
Michael Jordan on a golf course in Monroe NC
Dusty Rhoades
Magnum TA
Arn Anderson
The King Richard Petty
Ike Turner
Travis Tritt
Toby Keith
Rusty Wallace
Pete Rose
and last but not least Nina Hartley!
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Rev. Jesse Jackson when he was running for president, I was working a security detail for a catholic priest assigned to Portland who was held hostage in the middle east and freed under the arms for hostage deal. Jackson had a rally here and the priest wanted to go, we were backstage after and I was introduced to Jackson, nice guy and tall! that priest can be seen in the Michael Jackson video for "Man in the mirror"

My meeting with Jesse Jackson was not as pleasant. I was working for a company that was about to open several stores in Chicago. This was when he headed up Operation Push. He threatened a boycott-strike on the grand opening. He wanted us to hire minority contractors although the stores were already built and ready to open. We hired a minority PR firm that had connections with Jackson and we had several meetings with him and some of his colleagues. To this day I recall the "prayer" he invoked to start the meeting. It consisted of a political statement rather than a prayer. He made a striking presence and was a powerful speaker. But what impressed me the most was the custom, tailored suits that he wore.
Had lunch and got to chat with Colonel Sanders back in the mid '60's when I was going to school in Louisville. A couple of us went into a restaurant (not a KFC) near school that served his chicken and he invited us over to his table. This was back when you could get a 3 piece meal for $1 and it was edible.

$1 in 1965 = $7.30 today. So, $1 for a meal with 3 pieces of chicken was perhaps more expensive than it is now.

Antique Hoosier

Marlin Perkins (While Jim goes downstream....Wild Kingdom fame)
Peter Graves (“Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?”)
Marty Robbins ( Out in the West Texas Town of El Paso)
Jessye Norman (if you know Opera you'll recognize this lady)
Terry Bollea (Hulk Hogan...he lived down the street from me in Clearwater)
Randy Poffo (Randy Savage...met him through Terry)

many others...I've been fortunate to meet many celebs....
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Its not as glamorous as for some of you, but when I was younger I met the pro wrestler Rod Van Dam twice, once at a Burger King of all places and once at a wresting match. He talked to me both times and was really funny and friendly. The first was before he got famous (at least famous for the wrestling world), and the second was the day before he won the ECW championship for the first time. He wound up holding it for almost a year after that. When he left that night I wished him good luck with his title shot. He looks me in dead in the eye and says "I'm Rod Van Dam!!! I dont need luck!" :lol::lol::lol: of coarse he knew he was going to get the belt, but it was so funny and so perfectly in character I'll never forget it.

That night I also got to talk to The Sand Man for quite a while. My buddy said hi to him, and he talked to both of us for almost half an hour about wrestling working and traveling so much. He was another really nice guy, and told us what seemed like endless funny drinking stories. It was a really cool night for a kid in high school.
When I was in my teens I sold some pairs of shoes to Ariana Richards (the young girl from Jurrasic Park). She was really nice. Her "handler/assistant" wasn't so nice and I got the impression that she was just trying to get Ariana out ASAP, probably before anyone found out she was there.

Also sold some shoes to Alan Page, who while nice to me was not so nice to all my coworkers haggling him for autographs. I just was please that he was buying shoes from little old me at an outlet store.

For me famous people are cool, but IMO a lot are just trying to live their lives.
My dad was good friends with Bill Spiers, who played for the Brewers and Astros.

About a year ago, I was filling up my Jeep when someone called my name from across the parking lot. He walked over to me, shook my hand firmly and hugged me. Embarrassingly, I hadn't seen him since I was a kid and had forgotten who he was! As soon as he started talking, though, I figured it out. He went on and on about how great of a man my father was and that he'd be proud of me. We must've stood there and talked for over half an hour. The guy treated me like his best friend. Really a great human being. He has a lot of friends in this area and you'll never hear a bad word spoken of him.
Two come to mind:
>. Lawrence Welk - in the Fargo,ND airport when I was 8. Saw him sitting in a phone booth, went to my Mom to ask for paper becuase I wanted to get his autograph. She, of course, responded with "what? You didn't see LW" but she graciously provided paper and pen and sat back to watch me make a fool of myself. When he finished his call he opened the door and graciously talked with me for about 10 minutes and provided his autograph. Nice man. (He was from North Dakota so his trips through Fargo were most likely not uncommon.)
> Ross Perot - great laugh, short dude. I tossed a few lines his way, he engaged and I brought levity and he brought a hearty laugh. Fun start to a work day.
I've met a goodly number.
Most are incredibly nice.

Bill Clinton has the most impressive memory of anyone I've ever met.
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OK, another dumb question from me, how do you reply and include someone elses response to my post? the balloon thing
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