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Ever have a nostalgic love for your first shaving soap?

Nostalgia is one thing but IMHO the state of shaving products and, more importantly, the availability of such have never been better. So I am going to look forward to finding new and great soaps and creams.
Williams was my first traditional shave soap. Having been at this (traditional wet-shaving) almost 5 years my AD's have gone full circle, with Williams now my standard workhorse.

Funny how it worked out that way.
My very first shave soap was a puck of Colgate I got at Eckard drugs when I first started shaving in 1990. I don't think they even make it anymore...but I remember my dad using an old Ever Ready brush and some kind of soap in a coffee mug when I was little so I went and bought a Burma Shave Brush because it looked like my dad's and the only soap they had was the Colgate...Shortly after that I started using Edge Gel for a couple of years...lol....so no I don't really miss it....
My first shaving soap was Caswell Massey. So, no. I don't have nostalgic, or any other kind, of love for my first soap.

Imagine my frustration as a beginner. I thought I was retarded. Little did I know the soap was.
Nope. It was either Williams or Colgate, whichever I found at the drugstore. Guess they were better in the late 70s, but there are so many better choices available today, even one of their vintage pucks wouldn't turn my head today.
Tabac was my first soap and I still love it. I am so glad it was my first soap, because my other choice would have been MWF. I have been wet shaving over 6 months now I still struggle to get the lather right with MWF. I would have probably given up on soaps if MWF would have been my first. Tabac I could lather in my sleep and I actually like the scent. I don't use it all the time anymore, but every time I do, I am very satisfied.
Proraso... I still use it all the time and will be thinning the collection down to just Proraso, MWF, MDC, Mike's, and various Razorock
Not for my first soap, but rather for the first soap I bought that smelled amazing. It was C&E Sienna, which I bought along with the ASB and EdT. I hung onto it far longer than I should have, refusing to admit to myself that its performance was substandard and that it left my skin dry and somewhat irritated. I finally got rid of it only a couple of weeks ago, and can dedicate my brush to finer products. Though to be honest, I still use and quite enjoy the ASB and EdT which are genuine quality products.
I'm going to presume "Shaving Soap" will mean a product actually intended for use while shaving. Like a majority of beginners with bladed razors at the time I started, I used the bar soap off the wash basin with the peach fuzz that came in first. It took some while for me to start liking the scent of Old Spice, but that was only the second traditional shave product. I used creams first, and Burma Shave mug soap before Old Spice. So, yes, I miss the real Old Spice soap, but it wasn't my first.

I have no particular nostalgic feelings toward Burma Shave's soaps or their creams, nor Noxzema's, which I used once I graduated from bar soaps, and before I wanted to have the Old Spice scent on me.
Yeah. Classic brand "gold" hypoallergenic. And unfortunately, it's now a completely different soap, made by a completely different company, and a far cry from the pleasant scent and easy lather of the original. :thumbdown So I can't indulge my memory.
Not at all. If memory serves me correct, I believe mine was a tub of Mama Bears something or another. Smelled nice in the tub but performed like a melt and pour glycerine soap will and eventually the heavy scent started to irritate my skin.
Old Spice, Colgate and Williams Pucks and in the 1970s when I started shaving with a Shick Injector they were under a dollar all the time.
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Sigh. Dad's Old Spice. I'm gettin nostalgic in my old age. Miss the aftershave, too.

The future isn't what it used to be, eh?
VDH Deluxe was my first. Didn't really have lathering down when I started, and quickly gave up and PIFed it. Col Conk Bay Rum was my second, and was still learning to lather properly. So my REAL first soap that I fell in love with was the P150 Tipo Morbido! Oh my ALMONDY GOODNESS! I could eat this stuff! My 2 year old always asks to smell it too. Except he actually does try to take a lick!

When the P150 stashes are all depleted, I'll always consider it my first soapy love.

Incidentally, I've recently gone back to the sample of Col Conk Bay Rum. There's not much left, but enough to rub on my face like a shave stick. MMMM. So good!
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