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DownSouthShaver's Quest for Blade and Razor Perfection

Soap: Proraso green cream
Brush: Omega Boar
Razor: Henson AL13 +++
Blade: Personna Red Germany (1)
Postshave: Dickinson's WH
Aftershave: Lustray Blue Spice
Rating: 9.9/10

Keeping the German blades streak alive with a Personna Red today. Another beautiful shave, achieving BBS everywhere, with only slight neck irritation. The face is exceptionally glassy.
Soap: Palmolive Classic
Brush: Omega Boar
Razor: Henson AL13 +
Blade: Nacet (1)
Postshave: Dickinson's WH
Aftershave: Pinaud Clubman
Rating: 9.9/10

In an effort of being honest with myself after using the Nacet today (which was great), I think the German blades (WS, Personna Red, Bolzano) give me irritation that others do not. While the aforementioned blades provided some of the closest shaves I have ever gotten, they have all produced red spots on my lower neck.

The GSB, Nacet, GP Russian, Permasharp, Rapira Platinum Lux, Viking's Sword, Suneko, Personna Lab Blues, Med Preps... even the Treet 7 Days Platinums, have not exhibited this behavior. While there is no real pain involved, frankly, I just don't care for how it looks. I will definitely keep my German blades around, but I am going to stick with some Russian blades for a while just to verify that the issue doesn't happen with them.
Soap: TFS
Brush: Omega Boar
Razor: Henson AL13 +++
Blade: Permasharp Russian (1)
Postshave: Dickinson's WH
Aftershave: Gillette Cool Wave
Rating: 9.5/10

I can't remember if I have ever used a Permasharp right after a Nacet, but I was a little surprised by today's results. While the Permasharp was its usual self in the smoothness department, it was not particularly good on the efficiency department.

I had to do some extra buffing, which resulted in some irritation. I was a little pressed for time, but thought my technique was good, but may not have been. Still like the Permasharp, but it's now behind the GSB and Nacet by a larger margin than it was. Overall, still a DFS+ shave, so not much to complain about. They can't all be perfect, LOL.


I shaved a fortune
I use Perma-Sharps a lot.... I just recently went back to a few Nacet shaves due to the Blade Bonanza going on.... I'm not sure I can feel much difference..... I probably need to do back to back shaves with both blades to see if I can pick up any nuances...I seem to notice more extreme changes in sharpness, perhaps... Like when I use a BIC Astor or a German Schick....
I use Perma-Sharps a lot.... I just recently went back to a few Nacet shaves due to the Blade Bonanza going on.... I'm not sure I can feel much difference..... I probably need to do back to back shaves with both blades to see if I can pick up any nuances...I seem to notice more extreme changes in sharpness, perhaps... Like when I use a BIC Astor or a German Schick....
They are close enough for my purposes that I consider them near-twins. Nacets are much cheaper on eBay though.
Soap: Proraso white cream
Brush: Omega Boar
Razor: Schick Krona
Blade: GSB (1)
Postshave: Dickinson's WH
Aftershave: Lustray Blue Spice
Rating: 9.9/10

Late shave after lunch today, went with a newer version GSB in the Krona. It was several minutes of cap-riding enjoyment.

I must say, after 3 shaves with the older, double wrapped GSB, it has greater smoothness than the new version, which is quite impressive. Maybe one day I can get my hands on more of the old style. However, I am nowhere near disappointed with the current GSB, it remains a top blade for me. And finishing off with the Blue Spice is always great. Don't know what it is about that stuff, it just works -- and the scent is hard to beat.
Soap: Proraso blue cream
Brush: Omega Boar
Razor: Henson AL13 +++
Blade: Bic CP (1)
Postshave: Dickinson's WH
Aftershave: Proraso Green
Rating: 9.75/10

Man, another rush job today, only had about 15 minutes to shave. The Bic Chrome Platinum did well, especially since I did not have time to buff the trouble spots. This one has gotten lost in the shuffle of my preferred Russian blades, but it's superior. I have absolutely no irritation or burn anywhere. I've heard that QC can be suspect at times with the Bics, so we will have to see over time if I get a bad one. This one proves that a good one is fabulous. Going to quit blade jumping for a while and use this one for a few days. Might see how the results are with the Henson mild when I am not rushed. 9.75 because I didn't reach BBS, but 10 on the blade.
Soap: Rockwell Barbershop
Brush: Omega Boar
Razor: Henson AL13 +++
Blade: Bic CP (2)
Postshave: Dickinson's WH
Aftershave: Stephan 320
Rating: 10/10

Day two with the Bic CP, and it was stellar again. I had a little more time today to do some extra buffing, and it is as close to BBS as I can get without neck irritation. The blade is definitely hitting stride on the second usage. These might be my next 100 blade purchase.

Also revisited the Rockwell Barbershop soap that was thrown in with my Rockwell 6c purchase. A really nice soap/croap, with peppery notes and really good slickness. And the Stephan 320 is a nice finish. Giving this shave a 10 as it is the best I am capable of.
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