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Doctor Who fans out there?

If you want even more trivia, did you know that Peter Davison daughter, Georgia Moffett (Davison's real name is Moffett), who played the gun toting Doctor's Daughter in the episode of the same name, is a possible in the frame for the next companion?

Keep it in the family!


yeah, she was supposedly dating Tennant in real life. I would be extra happy if it was her who become the sidekick.
Have some of the episodes recorded from PBS on VHS tapes, mostly Tom Baker. Still have the scarf my Mom made for me when instructions were printed in the Philadelphia Inquirer.
AS you may tell from my name, huge fan of Doctor Who, here. Especially, Jon Pertwee's Doctor.

My Doctor Who CLaim to Fame: I have made audiobooks of some Doctor Who stories which next year should be available as a series syndicated on some American radio stations.

Oh and I have a Third Doctor outfit.
This needed a bump... so, let's discuss "most annoying companion."

My vote is for "Ace." Her whinny voice alone is like nails through my skull.
This needed a bump... so, let's discuss "most annoying companion."

My vote is for "Ace." Her whinny voice alone is like nails through my skull.

Agreed on the bump and the vote for Ace. Horrid, just horrid. Don't forget Mel, she was terrible also.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Oh Ian, you rock my socks.

... that's just not something I ever wanted to hear from another guy ... :eek:

Agreed on the bump and the vote for Ace. Horrid, just horrid. Don't forget Mel, she was terrible also.

Actually, I rather liked Ace.

And yes, Mel was one of the worst. (Oh man ... 'Mel' & Colin Baker ... how to kill a TV institution!)

Adric was annoying too.
Now hold on, I like Colin. He didn't have the best stories always, but his performance was solid, IMO. I know he is not a fan favorite, but someone's got to like him.

Adric was annoying, but at least he had a great ending :wink:
Update... When I first saw this thread it reminded me of being a kid and watching Tom Baker after school. I had forgotten all about the series. I checked local listings and found CBC was still showing the series. I set my PC to record and I just finished watching a couple of episodes from the tenth Doctor (David Tennant).

Really impressed with how far the show has come. The series is back on my must watch list and my kids seem to be taking an interest.

Thanks for re-introducing me to the show. Now I have to find if they've put together any DVD sets.
Dodo, Adric, Mel and Ace, just awful one dimensional characters with no motivation whatsoever.

John Nathan-Turner had many skills as a Producer and was a good 2nd Director but, dear me, he did not understand characters and sadly neither did Bidmead, Saward or Cartmel.
This needed a bump... so, let's discuss "most annoying companion."

My vote is for "Ace." Her whinny voice alone is like nails through my skull.

I'd have to put in a vote for K9.

As much as I hated K9 though, when they brought him back in the new series, I couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic.
Love the Doctor, as does my 12-year-old son.
Think that Eccleston/Tennant did/are doing splendid jobs.

But, for me, Tom Baker 'owns' the role, much as Jeremy Brett owns Sherlock Holmes. Gotta love that scarf.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
But, for me, Tom Baker 'owns' the role, much as Jeremy Brett owns Sherlock Holmes. Gotta love that scarf.

Dude, you are batting 1000!

(I hafta give nods to certain other actors ... Hartnell, Pertwee, and such ... who also really nailed being the Doctor, but I simply cannot ... cannot ... see Sherlock as anyone else.)

Curious note: Tom Baker once stared as a certain detective in a TV-movie of The Hound of the Baskervilles ... :001_huh:
Tennant's terrific. The Donna character I find irritating.

I really like him.
I'm really glad he will be back in 2010 for the next season. Lets hope with a better companion!! I liked Rose and Martha. All of them have some annoying times but they were decent.
Slightly deviating from the topic, but was being a Dr. a good or bad career move for the actors involved? Off hand I would say not good. The career just seems to end there, at least to me on this side of the Atlantic.

I used to consider the show a guilty pleasure until I found out how many people also liked it. A while back someone wrote a book called The Dr. and the Captain, which combined two faves, Dr. Who and Star Trek. The idea got an A, but the actual story ranked C- at best. The author also had to get around not getting approval to use the characters from the owners of either franchise in the story, which didn't help.

I did buy the book and loaned it that idiot ex-brother-in-law of mine after I read it. Never saw it again.
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