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Do you like a little lather layer?

I often end up with more of a "slather" than the thick billowy clouds of cotton candy fluff that seem to be the goal of every series of pictures showing off lathering technique.

Every once in awhile I'll get a little enthusiastic and make the Arko do the Santa Claus thing while face lathering, but that's more of an exercise in Gee Whizzery than an attempt to get a better shave.
I like it dense, but not thick. Extra-thick lather does not, imho, improve the shave in any way - all it does is clog my razor and force me to rinse it more often.
Thick for straights and thinner but not thin for DEs. Go for good coverage starting with a little scrubbing action moving to painting. I always shoot for two passes, one WTG, one ATG, with little left over lather. A rinse between passes seems helpful. For the DE I only thin the lather enough to minimize clogging and ease rinsing the blade.
Having improved my lathering technique thanks to some great tutorials from the site I now produce far more lather than I seem to need. this includes one for prep, three passes and a little for buffing the chin to touch up. I suppose I could put it on even thicker but I don't really see the point. I have a good full cover, swirled on then painted over to smooth out, no hint of skin or whiskers and that's it. Seems to work a treat, just a shame to wash the rest away. Andrew
Nice, thin, wet but dense layer for the first two passes, but for the final pass I squeeze lather from the brush and end up with a luxuriously thick (but not super thick) lather. Doing so is a real treat and I don't waste lather.

Same here. I squeeze the thicker lather from the brush for the touch-up pass.
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