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Do we need high end soaps?

I'm curious, of those that don't think a high end soap is needed, have you been able to try one for more the a week or two?
I only ask because I've been using AoS exclusively for about 2 weeks now and my shaves have never been better.
Depending on your definition of 'high end'

Is it price per oz of product or just $$ in general. Triple milled soaps will last considerably longer than melt and pour glycerin soaps like Mama bears. Thus the price of a refill puck of say DRH or the likes may actually be cheaper on a $$/shaves basis.

Just buy the refill pucks of the 'high end' soaps and they are right in line with others. No need for fancy bowls unless you want a better SOTD pic.

AOS soaps are most definitely worth the $ and I think they are some of if not the best tallow triple milled soaps currently available.
There's something about a high-end soap that makes the shave seem that much more luxurious. However, I've paid very little for a soap that gave as good a shave as one of the high end ones and smelled just as good.

I have more low end soaps in regular sizes and lots of higher end soaps as samples. I kind of get the best of both worlds, until the samples run out anyway!

That being said I do have Tabac and MWF in the ceramic containers. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
Some soap's price point exceeds their performance. Yes.

Generally speaking, good soaps cost more and are worth it.

I say the difference is in the beard type and skin type. I have copper wires for whiskers. Carving my face up to be cheap is not an option.
I like to be able to shave with a different set-up most mornings. Whether it be another razor, brush, cream/soap or after-shave, I enjoy the new ideas. Apart from a couple of astronomically expensive soaps, most are an affordable small luxury which averaged out over the life of the puck really do provide good value for the time you spend in front of the mirror.
An expensive soap which doesn't perform well, on the other hand, should be disposed of ASAP.
As a previous poster noted, our true needs are few, food, water, shelter and depending on where you live, clothing. Things like high-end soaps, shaving and even shaving forums are wants. Catering to them (within reason) helps differentiate us. Can't imagine a world with only one version of everything. No individuality in such a place. Just thinking if the only razor was a Bic disposable and the only soap was a bar of Ivory makes me want to take a couple Aspirin or Acetaminophen or NSAIDs or Motrin, or Ibuprofen. Unfortunately, in such a world, I'd probably have to go with the Aspirin-----Bayer.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Like most things, I've found with soap you get what you pay for. The notable exception being the tallow Palmolive shave sticks. That stuff works really well and costs SFA.
Cheap soap works as well as the high end stuff but you can use it everyday.

High end soap Why? it's like a good malt whisky it's not for getting loaded its there to to be sipped and enjoyed. So high end soaps when you have time or are going for a day out makes perfect sense why not enjoy your free time.
I use Mama Bear's almost exclusively for the past month or so and I can say that my Tabac had a bit more cushion in the lather. Though they still both do great. Though I did not entirely like how the Tabac had an almost thick heavy feeling on my face. Mama Bear might not last as long as Tabac but for 7 dollars a puck for Mama Bear's I really do not mind.
with exceptions (arko, speick etc) I think higher end soaps work better.

I think that triple milled (especially tallow, but also the higher end vege soaps, like GFT & cade etc) work better than glycerine too.

Plus they take heaaaaps longer to work through than glycerine ones, so per shave theyre not even that much more expensive.

I know I couldnt live without my tallow blenheim bouquet though!
If you graphed it, the lines for "Quality" and "Price" would move independently of each other. Up to a certain point quality will exceed price, and that's the soaps you should buy.

The problem is that everyone defines 'Quality' differently.


It's not a question of need, it a question of wants. I'm all for buying what you want and if it make you happy, it's the best investment you can make.


There are very few things in life we "need"; If you are working hard and earning some money, you deserve to treat yourself to some "wants"... at least that's how I look it.
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