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Dignity and the Wet shave

aare..you...implying...250...100-packs? If you are let us look at some math. :smartass: 250 x 100 = 25,000 blades
One and done: 25,000 / 365 (if you shave every day) = 68.5 years!
One blade/one week: 25,000 / 52 = 480 years

Have you found the fountain of youth of something?
Nope. Some of the packs are in quantities of 200 or 250 (Feather, Wizamet, Wilkinson)

So, only about 50 years of blades. Also, I'm pretty much a 2 or 3 and done.


Is it swell time?
I need to find a slot for testing those. I'm trying not to fall too far behind on the blade-to-razor testing that I'm doing during the bonanza. I skipped 6 razors during the BIC testing, 4 razors during the Wizamet testing, 4 razors during the Nacet testing, and will likely miss 4 razors during the Perma-Sharp testing.
No worries, I am still in Nacet testing - I still need to do Wizamet and Perma Sharp, but by the time I am done with Nacets (which I am to be honest!) I will likely have yet another blade running behind in testing.


Likes a fat handle in his hand
Nope. Some of the packs are in quantities of 200 or 250 (Feather, Wizamet, Wilkinson)

Yep, seems legit! My photo for illustration. (Note: 250 more Wizamets under the sink)

1000 blades feels like I won the world cup, just means I'm sharp. ;)😜😁


I shaved a fortune
So now it's a race Kim? Is that what this all is to you?? 🤣
I do realize I’m a bit of an anomaly. If I get a new razor and try it a few times , if it’s a keeper, I buy yet another Ti Crown handle for it and a razor stand, in titanium or bronze depending on the razor head material.

My two Wolfman 3/7 basic polish bronze handles are hollow 90mm, and feel very similar to the Ti Crowns. My hand is accustomed to the weight and feel. This reduces the adjustments I have to make when choosing any razor to the weight of the razor head and the angle of the sweet spot.

This wouldn’t work well for you, obviously, because your razor collection is evolving.

I could keep a bunch of razors in storage and switch their handles, but I prefer them out and ready to go. Some are next to the sink; the bronze and gold ones are on top of my tall dresser and the Vintage family are all in cases in one of the dresser drawers.

I guess I organize them like I do my tools.
Up for today's Bonanza shave were the Rocnel Elite and the Timeless Slim. The Perma-Sharp was a good fit for both.

The Rocnel was a bit smoother during the shave, though both razors had similar levels of post-shave burn. Both sides of my face were BBS- at the end of the shave. Supporting the shave were SV Dolomite (which I appear to be trying to 3017, though it's use may be a function of laziness), and my Wald synthetic. Really a lovely setup.

I finished the shave off with Amouage Silver Oud.


Last night, I used a bit of my bay rum. Smelled good to me, but my wife was like: "You have all these wonderful colognes? Why do you want to smell like our spice cabinet?"
Three Stooges Face Palm GIF
You might even be mentioned in the history books as a great find in archeology when they find your blade stash.
The archeologists will wonder: "What are those flat metal plates? Currency? Jewelry?". Once they figure it out, they'll wonder if I had some form of hair-growth disorder that ancient Medecine could not fix.

Then they'll wonder if I passed this strange ailment to my offspring.
For today's shave, I went with the Muramasa and the Sailor. Excellent shave. The Perma-Sharps are great for both of these razors. BBS for the Sailor (2/4.5) and BBS- for the Muramasa (3/4.5).

I also wanted to try applying the pre-shave with a brush to see if it improved the results over a basic application by hand. While the application of the PAA cube felt nice using a brush (on one side only), it did not have any impact on the shave


The SOC Taj is a great boar brush that rivals the performance of the Sawdust Creations Manchurian Badger brush I used for the SV Dolomite shaving soap. Both had the right amount of backbone, minimal scritch, did a great job of lathering, and felt great!

Finished up with a few spritzes of Allure.
MdC Day

Well, I was able to work through a batch of MdC during lunch (cleanup later will be ...interesting). Here is my recipe cheat sheet for anyone that might be interested:

I am happy with the results of this first test batch (I did a quarter batch). The soap loads like MdC - Explodes with lather quickly and with a small amount.

I did a test, mid-batch, after adding 80% of the Glycerin and none of the Cetyl Alcohol. That felt like MdC. Then, I added in the extra glycerin and the Cetyl alcohol. Boom, it was like adding WD-40 to the batch.

Drying. While this soap was not as drying as MdC (for me), it did not leave my skin as nourished as my other soaps that supplant some of the Stearic and Coconut oil with Castor, Shea, Jojoba and Lanolin. This was a pretty good compromise and the increase in Glycerin and the addition of Cetyl Alcohol were good calls.

The Lavender and Mint essential oils were lovely, and I look forward to trying the soap tomorrow.

Here is a picture of the lather my Golden Nib Synthetic generated after about 20 rapid swirls in the double boiler:


I made one puck and tossed the rest in a ceramic mug.


Born to häckla
MdC Day

Well, I was able to work through a batch of MdC during lunch (cleanup later will be ...interesting). Here is my recipe cheat sheet for anyone that might be interested:
View attachment 2015803
I am happy with the results of this first test batch (I did a quarter batch). The soap loads like MdC - Explodes with lather quickly and with a small amount.

I did a test, mid-batch, after adding 80% of the Glycerin and none of the Cetyl Alcohol. That felt like MdC. Then, I added in the extra glycerin and the Cetyl alcohol. Boom, it was like adding WD-40 to the batch.

Drying. While this soap was not as drying as MdC (for me), it did not leave my skin as nourished as my other soaps that supplant some of the Stearic and Coconut oil with Castor, Shea, Jojoba and Lanolin. This was a pretty good compromise and the increase in Glycerin and the addition of Cetyl Alcohol were good calls.

The Lavender and Mint essential oils were lovely, and I look forward to trying the soap tomorrow.

Here is a picture of the lather my Golden Nib Synthetic generated after about 20 rapid swirls in the double boiler:

View attachment 2015807
I made one puck and tossed the rest in a ceramic mug.
Soaping at lunch time! I am a bit jealous. I have 30 mins to drive home so there is no soaping at lunch for me. Looking good. How was the slickness?

Nice we got a look at the 5 gallon lather bowl. I just expected it to be to the brim with lather. Just to get a size comparison. What is the knot size of the brush in your lather bowl. The brush looks like a toy in it.
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