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Did your father shave with a DE and/or straight?

Did your father shave with a DE and/or straight?

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My dad always shaved with an electric razor. He said using a DE gave him too many nicks and too much irritation. He did have a thicker beard than me and probably sensitive skin as well. He used mostly Noelco's and was generally pleased with his shave.

Me, I could never get a decent shave with an electric, regardless of brand.
Let us know if you ever ask your dad. I am thinking of getting my father a shaving kit once he retires (so he can't use that "no time" excuse on me :biggrin:).

I just got off the phone and talked to my mom. And she talked to my dad who was working on a few projects around the house. But he's going to give the DE another round with some of the blades I bring out. She even went into her jewelry box and got out the DE razor to make sure it was still around! And i'm going to let him using my cheaper boar brush to see how he likes it and then buy him a good badger which might make a nice gift me thinks. He was a bit shocked to find out how much DE blades cost when you buy them online and in bulk!

Now to talk to my older brother.........


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
My vote goes to Art!

I have no idea. I had a short conversation with him in December about it. He told me he tried the DE and Straight. He butchered himself so never tried again. I guess he was applying too much pressure and was expecting a quick shave.

Today, he probably use an electric razor (90%) and a Mach 3.
My Dad has had a beard almost constantly for over 30 years, since before I was born. He used Bic disposables to tidy it up. About 12 years ago he shaved the whole thing off - told me it took 3 Bics to do it - but that's the only time I've seen him clean shaven.

He thought I was daft using a DE, especially after he saw my face after my first attempt. However, having borrowed my HD whilst on holiday he said it was the best shave he'd ever had and as far as I know he uses the Ming Shi TTO I got him for Christmas last year.

His father was always clean shaven but he died when I was 12 and I don't remember what he used. He did have a shaving brush because I remember seeing it in the bathroom and didn't know what it was.

Mum tells me her Dad used a DE and an electric. The shop her parents had sold razor blades and box cutters. I just hope some poor sod didn't get them mixed up!
My dad's used an incarnation of a Braun electric for as long as I remember. I got the Gem Micromatic from my parents a week ago (they got it from my late grandpa's house) and he said "You couldn't pay me to shave with one of those old razors." Then he says "you're gonna cut yourself up with that razor."
...He was right about that.
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I think my dad has used a little bit of everything. He may have started out using a DE, but quickly switched to a Trac II, and then the Atra (with the Gillette Brush System), and then the Sensor.

Then he became really budget conscious, and started shaving with the cheapest disposables he could find.

There were some electrics mixed in there too.

He presently shaves with a Family Dollar branded triple blade powered razor, which is meant to mimic the Mach 3 Power. The pivot is even identical to a Mach 3. I used it for many months successfully, and for the cost it doesn't do a horrible job.

He really doesn't understand my wanting to use DE razors, and thinks it a bit strange. :lol::lol:
I have clear memories of watching Dad shave when I was about 4 or 5. He used the 50's SS, circa 1950 Old Spice Mug and soap, which he replaced with a Williams or Colgate puck when it got used up, and whipped up lather with an Eveready 100 brush.
I inherited these when Mom got him an electric for Christmas around 1978 which he still uses (or one like it) When I was recently back east to see them, I asked him if he would ever want his old wet shaving stuff back to shave the old way again. He said he couldn't waste his time shaving like that again. He only grumbled when I reminded him that he's retired and can take as long as he wants now. He's 85, and happily set in his ways. I think Mom just got tired of cleaning up the sink after him.
My grandad and dad shaved with DEs and then switched to electrics...they have never looked back. Dad gave me his old USN issued Gillette Super Adjustable and said...why would you want that?

Gives the best shaves out of my collection!
My always clean shaven dad used a DE, mug and brush. He put the used blades in the slot at the back of the medicine chest to go to the great beyond in the wall.

I ended up with his razor when he died. It was gold in a brown leatherette hinged box with burgundy velvet-like lining. I don't know what it was, I gave it to my brother.
I ended up with his razor when he died. It was gold in a brown leatherette hinged box with burgundy velvet-like lining. I don't know what it was, I gave it to my brother.

Sounds like your dad used a Gillette Aristocrat. Your brother should be pretty happy with it.

-- John Gehman
My Dad wad strictly a Super Speed Guy. I can remember when he thought he would modernize and bought a Knack. He did not like it a tall. Latter in life he switched to an electric because of his failing eyesight.
When I was a kid, I remember my dad using TracII blades on a solid brass hadle, an Old Spice mug and soap. I used the TracII, then Atras until I was about 19 or 20. That was when I bought my '59 FatBoy at a local antique store. That was 1990 or so. My younger son uses it now, along with a '59 Red Tip I bought him and one of my gold Techs. As far as my dad goes, he's been using an electric for a long time now. I think he has one of those fancy Braun things.
My Dad started shaving with cartridges while DE's were still in regular use. However, since Father's Day he has been a DE user! :w00t::w00t:
My grandpa used a Gillette Tech early on. However, he used an electric for as long as my dad remembers.

Dad used cartridge and electric razors. That was, until I converted him. He now uses the Tech he found after my grandpa died a couple of years ago.
I've never seen my Dad shave, and talking about shaving interests him about as much as gum on his shoe. He uses the cheapest dollar store disposables and whatever hand soap is on the counter. He says he used a DE years ago, but has no idea what it was.
My Grandfather, on the other hand, would have fit in here. He used a straight in his younger days, but that was way before my time. I remember him speaking excitedly about his favorite shaving stuff. He used an ancient brush, Williams soap in an Old Spice mug, and finished off with Mennen Skin Bracer. He tried new razors when they came on the market. In his little shaving cabinet, I remember seeing a Red Tip, a Super Speed (my first DE! I wish I had kept it!), a Trac2 (I carried that with me to boot camp), and packages of DE blades. In his later years, he took up the newfangled disposables (I think he used the Good News) which was just as well, as he had begun to be pretty shaky by that time. He would throw them away after only one shave.
I never knew my paternal grandfather but he was an orthodox rabbi and probably never shaved. My father is a conservative rabbi and has always used an electric. When I started shaving, he gave me his old Norelco, three-headed shaver to use. I never liked it. As soon as I moved away from home, I started shaving with cartridge razors and Noxzema foam in a can. At some point, my wife gave me a beautiful ceramic shaving mug with cover and matching ceramic-handled brush made by Halston. Then, when I was 32, I started shaving with a straight. It was part of the whole process of breaking with my family, almost as if I was trying to open communications with the world's non-Jewish past. Not shaving/how you shave is just one of the many ways that Judaism seeks to control your everyday life and I wanted to break free of it. It worked.
I never knew my paternal grandfather but he was an orthodox rabbi and probably never shaved. My father is a conservative rabbi and has always used an electric. When I started shaving, he gave me his old Norelco, three-headed shaver to use. I never liked it. As soon as I moved away from home, I started shaving with cartridge razors and Noxzema foam in a can. At some point, my wife gave me a beautiful ceramic shaving mug with cover and matching ceramic-handled brush made by Halston. Then, when I was 32, I started shaving with a straight. It was part of the whole process of breaking with my family, almost as if I was trying to open communications with the world's non-Jewish past. Not shaving/how you shave is just one of the many ways that Judaism seeks to control your everyday life and I wanted to break free of it. It worked.

Explains the avatar. :wink:
My father never shaved with a DE but he did use several products which I do now. Whenever I use Old Spice I remember the smell of my dad leaving for work and even the memories of his profanity-laden screams whenever he applied it after shaving.

I only knew my grandfather for 5 years of my childhood since I moved from Argentina to Australia but I do know that he used a DE. My mum is constantly reminded of her father whenever she sees me getting ready for my shave and I think she feels comfort in seeing a lot of his mannerisms in me.
I recall watching my father shave with a Slim Adjustable when I was young. I must have been about Eleven or less, because that got retired in favor of cartridge razors shortly after they hit the scene and he never went back.

Dad's gone, but I have that Slim that used to fascinate me...I recall feeling like a rascal when I would check it out when nobody was looking. I shave with it now and again, and it makes me smile to see my boys, fascinated with it, too. I'm pretty sure they mess with it when I'm not looking!

I recently broke out his "Dopp" kit, a nice leather box made in England. There was an old straight in there, I'm guessing it was my grandfather's.

What really got me when I opened the case was the scent of Old Spice mixed with Vitalis...talk about a time machine! I admit becoming a little misty eyed. Scents are a powerful thing, no?
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