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Did I do ok? #1

Here is what I won on Ebay; I set my mind on this lot of razors because I wanted an Executive, a President, and a diplomat. I really didn't care what it cost, I just knew I wanted it. My question Is this; for 300 dollars, did I do ok???:blush:
Great score. I saw that lot and even had it bookmarked for a little while but then scrapped it as I thought that someone would push it towards $1000. $300 is a fantastic price. It goes to show that you shouldn't assume that every nice lot is going to fetch huge money.

Well done.
Egads! I would've pushed that a bit higher than that had I paid more attention. Nice score! I'm SO jealous.
It sounds like I did ok!!! I will post single pictures of some of the razors when they arrive. Thanks for all of the replies.

I'm really surprised this lot went so cheaply. Just the three razors you mentioned cost me over $600. I didn't see this auction as I haven't been in the buying mood for a few months. I have just about everything I want.

More than I would have paid

Throwing out the other 7 razors, he won an Aristocrat, President, Diplomat, rhodium Executive, and 1958 TV Special -- all with cases -- for an average price of $60 each.

This is one of the most amazing lot grabs I have ever seen. Big congrats to the buyer! :thumbup1:
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Throwing out the other 7 razors, he won an Aristocrat, President, Diplomat, rhodium Executive, and 1958 TV Special -- all with cases -- for an average price of $60 each.

This is one of the most amazing lot grabs I have ever seen. Big congrats to the buyer! :thumbup1:

Thank you Sir!!! As I have read through this post it seems as if I did very well. I will post some pics when the razors get here. Thanks for all the responses...:thumbup:

Just goes to show you the wild prices and winning bids on Ebay. A crappy razor without case can sometimes go for over $100, yet a nice score like this seems to go under the radar without an insane bidding war at the last minute.
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