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Daily face cleaning

First of all, I am not a daily shaver, do not have a beard for it. But I was wandering if anybody uses a good lanolin base shave soap with a semi-stiff brush in the shower daily just to work a lather and clean the face (exfoliate the face) and add some conditioning to the face between shaves. Has anyone had this idea?


Ditto, ditto
Shower daily, shave post shower daily with few exceptions.

Shower soap is currently Irish Spring 5-In-1... same soap, head to toe. I wash my face again after shaving with the leftover lather in my brush. If y aftershave of the day doesn't have it, I'll wipe my face down with Witch Hazel.
Other than using a bar soap in the shower the only time i wash my face is if it gets visibly dirty. When i was younger and very active i would wash my face because of sweating, witch hazel (was it?) I used mostly to "wash" my face a suggestion a friend told me about back then.
Welcome to B&B, Sir Iluvtoshave!
What a great first post!!
FWIW, I start out each day with a warm wet terry washcloth face/eye/scalp rub/rinse!
As for routine shower, a simple terry washcloth face lather/rinse with marseille olive oil soap works great.
Nothing fancy. I keep it simple!

aleppo marseille soap.jpg


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
whether using a shaving brush has this effect

I don’t know if it’s beneficial, but I’m prone to brush burn which I suspect is exfoliation.

@Ron R has mentioned using a shaving brush for showering, but I think it was with regular bath soap. Also, he may have moved on to a sponge mitt thingy recommended by @saj
I get very dry, flaky skin on my face. A week ago I started using a loofah with dove soap in the shower. It makes an amazing difference with my flaky skin, but it is very harsh. Harsh but effective.

I need to find a better way, lol.


System Generated
No. It sounds like a terrible idea to me.

Soap (of choice) and water. No need to wash your face with a brush between shaves.

Keep it simple.
I’ve used ACH Brito Glyce Lime and a brush as facial cleanser. A few times after I ran out of Noxzema classic clean. But I was extra dirty working. i.e, rust, paint chips and paint dust. On the way to Japan shipboard. Kinda weird to put it on your whole face, but it works.


Check Out Chick
Staff member
I wash my face three times a day. All in the morning. I wash my face twice before shaving as I shave before I shower. I will just use my hands and usually Dove Sensitive soap. Then I wash my face again in the shower after my shave. I will use a face washer in the shower this time. I may wash my face again during the day if I get a dirty face at work which doesn’t happen very often.
I recently returned to daily shaving, it made me a bit reluctant since I typically get really dry skin (fragile) skin in winter.

However I did make a point of using both shaving cream and aftershave that contain glycerine. If one didn’t contain any, I added a few drops into the lather bowl and/or into the aftershave bottle.

It works remarkably well for my skin; winter dryness is no longer an issue. I wish I would have started earlier.
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