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Czar of the Universe

(3) being able to buy raw, unpasteurized milk, and dairy products. As things stand now I have to get up at 4 AM to get out to a local dairy farm before the milk man comes to pick his load up after the 5 AM milking. (4) no drinking age
I definitely agree with these two.

Unpasteurized milk- I'd love to be able to buy REAL Camembert or other raw-milk cheeses at the local supermarket and not resort to "smuggle" it in from France whenever I visit or when someone I know goes there.

Drinking age- This is a silly law, especially 21. It doesn't make any sense at all that you can drive, vote join the army and die for your country, but you can't legally take a drink? My dad taught me as a kid how to drink. Kids in this country never learn, and when they reach high-school or college they abuse it.

I will add one. The driving age in the US should be 18. Most of the kids in highschool drove like jackasses, I know I did. Most are not responsible enough.
Drinking age- This is a silly law, especially 21. It doesn't make any sense at all that you can drive, vote join the army and die for your country, but you can't legally take a drink? My dad taught me as a kid how to drink. Kids in this country never learn, and when they reach high-school or college they abuse it.

When you evaluate how much sense laws make, don't think of your own situation. I thought a hunter education course made no sense, until I sat through one, saw who was taking it with me, and wished it were longer.
I wouldn't pass any new laws, In fact I'd get rid of 95% of the ones we do have.

Traffic laws like stop signs and yielding the right of way notwithstanding, If you aren't aggressing against another person's property or person you wouldn't be breaking any laws.

My only other additions would be (a) Making it mandatory to show proof of residence and citizenship prior to voting. (b) Any illegals would be deported forthwith.

Positive changes as a result would be. (1) no speed limits (2) anything as an OTC medication. (when I bruised my ribs it pissed me off I couldn't get any muscle relaxers without a scrip) (3) being able to buy raw, unpasteurized milk, and dairy products. As things stand now I have to get up at 4 AM to get out to a local dairy farm before the milk man comes to pick his load up after the 5 AM milking. (4) no drinking age (5) submachine guns for sale at the local Wall-Mart (6) Cheep gas and heavy American muscle cars. You get the picture.

do you wanna run for president? I'll vote!
When you evaluate how much sense laws make, don't think of your own situation. I thought a hunter education course made no sense, until I sat through one, saw who was taking it with me, and wished it were longer.
I'm not just basing this on "my own situation". The fact is that the US is the only western nation to have such a ridiculous drinking age, it's up there with Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates. As a result when teenagers get hold of alcohol, they abuse it. It's that whole "forbidden fruit" syndrome. And is not just teenagers. What part of that drinking age makes sense to you? Either you're an adult or your not. If one is adult enough to vote, and fight in a war, then it follows that one is adult enough to walk into a bar and order a scotch on the rocks.
Most European countries the age is 16, but it is common for younger kids to drink diluted wine at a younger age with their family meals. Same for some South American countries. Drinking is just no big deal, so kids don't tend to abuse it like they do here.
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