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Cooking Magazines?

get the online cook's illustrated subscription. you get full archive access to the print magazine. they do have an exclusive level for some recipes which they justify by saying "no ads, we make all our money through cookbook sales and subscriptions". doesn't bother me and i filter all their email anyway.

the trick for the sub though is to google "cook's illustrated coupon" or "discount subscription" and get it for 9.99 instead of the full price. you just need to remember to do this every year so it doesn't auto-renew at the full price. if you care to save the 10-15 per year. just don't forget to cancel if you want to cancel. companies love the "auto-renew"...
i got a discount mags sub to saveur as part of a deal and it's nice photography and travel stories centered around food with some recipes at the end of the article.

nice if you like the destinations & its cuisine. kinda boring otherwise.
but they did do a whole issue on doughnuts a while ago so that's a big bonus... :)
As others have said, Taste of Home and Cooks Illustrated are some of the best. Bon Apetit is fun, too.

I just wish there was a magazine purely for baking. That's my greatest culinary love :)

Good luck and Happy Birthday!
^^^^ there are tons of baking-only magazines. cake magazines, bread magazines, bread machine magazines, cookie magazines, cupcake magazines... modern baking pastry & baking bake baked and more blogs than you could ever find the time to read...
Lots of blogs get traffic from me, and I know of some of the baking magazines - I just wish a local newsstand had some so I could try them out. I like to buy a copy or two locally before I commit to subscriptions.
I like the Food Network Magazine.
Especially their clone recipies of famous recipies. Most of them are really good.
I wish I could recall the name of the magazine that came last week. Wifemate got a sample issue of a magazine that blows the doors off Cooks Illustrated IMHO.

EVERY recipe has a great photo. There's none of the "too complicated" stuff thats in Cooks illustrated. I asked her to subscribe to it. When the CI runs out, I won't renew it.
I wish I could recall the name of the magazine that came last week. Wifemate got a sample issue of a magazine that blows the doors off Cooks Illustrated IMHO.

EVERY recipe has a great photo. There's none of the "too complicated" stuff thats in Cooks illustrated. I asked her to subscribe to it. When the CI runs out, I won't renew it.

I wish you could, too... :bored:
I wish you could, too... :bored:

Found it!

Cuisine at Home.

No ads. All cooking. Awesome pictures. Its published by August Home, the same folks who do Woodsmith magazine. Great pub. And, yes for the average cook, it does blow the doors off Cooks Illustrated.
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