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Considering a purge. I'm talking nearly a complete clear out.

I think you should pack up the stuff you don't use and place them in a box out of sight and try going minimalist for a while (6 months?). If you have a change of heart, you can go back and reopen that box. If you don't, then you won't feel bad about selling those items.

I've done this. The problem is that I keep having to fill another box. And another, and another...

Seriously, I'm up to two shoeboxes full.
Thanks for all of the suggestions guys. I think I will start off doing a half-*** den clearing, and be rid of the ones that I KNOW I won't miss. Razors first (iKon S3S head with an OSS handle, cased President [very nice, but I dont use it!], M&F razor *yes, Lee is doing razor handles now*), a couple of brushes (M&F butterscotch barrel with 2-band, M&F unmarked Polo 3-band super), and a soap or two. That should be a good first round.

Everything else I will hold on to for a while longer and sort through things. That will leave me with two razors (Tradere SB and OC), 5 brushes (M&F 31/52 bulb, 31/54 bulb, 27/54 hybrid in horn (chipped), 27/52ish 3-band super fan in horn, Thater 4292/4 2-band fan). That doesnt count my wifes M&F and her Tradere with a New head, but I am pretty sure those are off limits. ;)
This is a strange discussion. I thought you actually needed 14 razors, 9 soaps, 8 brushes, 10 aftershaves and various other odds and ends. And here I am thinking I'm already a minimalist.
HA! Well, 3-4 months ago I was close to 20 brushes and 10 razors. The soaps and blades have not been a big problem for me... mainly the brushes, and to a lesser extent the razors. But thats what I'm saying! I don't know what is normal. Is 2-3 razors and 3-4 brushes normal? 4-5 razors and 5-6 brushes?
I guess "normal" varies for everyone. I have a list of razors I want to own, if I get them all, there will be like 8 or 9 total. I'm not the brush collector type, so I see having 2-3 for different scenarios (hard soaps, cream, face lathering). I run into issue with the soaps/creams, since I like variety in the fragrances and such, just like food. I don't want the same lunch every day, why would I want the same fragrance every day. Could explain why I already have like 18-19 different scents of incense sticks... lol
I don't consider myself a shave minimalist, but in an ideal world I would only have 2 razors and 2 brushes. What I'm interested in is having the highest quality possible hardware that works the best for me, and using the heck out of it for as long as I can shave. That's something that would have significance if passed on to future generations. I think 2 of each would be sufficient variety and be enough backup should an accident take one out of commission.

Software on the other hand I don't mind having variety. It's consumable, so whatever I buy I figure I'll work through eventually. Though at my current stock levels, it may be the end of my shaving career before I start running low.
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