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Competition #3

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Very nice work Legion! That piece looks clean and fresh. Like the scales.Good job.
$4.00 for a razor! Jeez, i paid through the nose for mine (7.99). But I got them in 2-3 days. Oh well, I got in on this late and I didn't want to wait for the slow boat from China.
Gotta' ask though, what is the official cut off date, and , can more than one razor be entered? I've got so many ideas running through my mind that I can't fit them all on one razor.
In a way I have my own version of "Shenanigans" in store if I can get more than one done. Please tell me this is OK. I didn't see anything in the rules limiting entries to only one razor. I just have to flesh out my ideas. And it seems guys are ordering more than just one. Me too. These things are like potato chips. You can't stop at just one.
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Not that my vote counts, but in the spirit of things around here, I'd argue the more neat ideas posted, the better, regardless of who, especially for this particular competition. More pics of cool/crazy looking razors (that work!!) the better. It's not like there's anything to win other than bragging rights, and around here, it's all fun and games anyway.
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That's kinda what I was thinking ,, regardless of Trick being a stick in the mud! I'd love to see just what everyone can come up with. A Gold Dollarama!
I think I may have a Shenanigan or two up my sleeve as long as I can get them done in time. Hence, the cut off date?
And that's enough out of you Trick!

LOL<, LOL,,,


Staff member
Cut off date is six weeks from the OP (so just a little over a month to go).

If you want to enter multiple razors go nuts! More the merrier.
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Oh sure,, you're gonna make me go look it up and then do the math when I've been snorting Gold Dust all day! Man, I can't think straight. You couldn't just give me a date could you?
A month you say,, let's see,, a couple of days per razor,, divided into 4 weeks or so,, Aw fooey, I'll just do a mess of 'em just to PO Trick!
Just 'cause he can't get a date to the big dance.
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Ha! ,, Now you're talking. That I understand! Gives me time to order a few more! ( did you read that Trick?) Don't know about you guys, but I'm having a ball . Of course Gold Dust makes you say and do stupid things. Now,, where did I leave my Mig welder and angle grinder......
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Staff member
Ah thats nice i had it at the 12th Aus, maybe just maybe, any ideas on post times from china people i still havnt got mine:sad:

Mine took a week and a half, but I chose a seller from Hong Kong, since their post can be a little quicker than from the mainland. That seller has jacked their price up to something ridiculous at the moment, but apparently they do that when they are out of stock, and then the price goes back down when they have some.
Not to make you guys feel bad, but I got mine in 3 days. Of course I paid a heavy price for that luxury,, but my blades are well under way. Just means you'll have to kick your Dremel into high gear when you FINALLY get them. Probably on the 11th or so from what I hear,,,,,
Sheesh! you guys are a tough crowd!!! I was KIDDING. Of course I welcome Mark's contrubutions!!! I have no doubt that he'll go over the top with his entry in spades, and it will inspire us all.
I know you were! I was just yanking your chain for a change. There is very little I take seriously. I'll give it a shot, just don't get your hopes up to high. These are Gold Dollars and I don't have any magic wands. There is only so much anyone can do to one.
Besides,, I'm just trying to Psych out the "competition" .. Mind games you know.
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Not to make you guys feel bad, but I got mine in 3 days. Of course I paid a heavy price for that luxury,, but my blades are well under way. Just means you'll have to kick your Dremel into high gear when you FINALLY get them. Probably on the 11th or so from what I hear,,,,,
Lol, i only need 30 hours. and Legion has kindly helped me with some backup plans so mine will be there fingers crossed, but now ive got 5 dirty dollars coming my way, if ive got time i might do a couple and a nice matching box, lol. and you should build a casting plant so u can re forge all your dust you could make a fortune mate, lol.
30 hrs.? What are you building,, a Samauri sword that is hand forged after smelting your own ore? These are GD's my good man. 99 percent of the work is done for you already. Just buff 'em up a bit and you're good to go.

That's all I'm doing,,,,,

The factory scales clean up just fine!

Get some Krylon spray paint and you can have every color under the rainbow.

Really,, mine look pretty good right now.
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30 hrs.? What are you building,, a Samauri sword that is hand forged after smelting your own ore? These are GD's my good man. 99 percent of the work is done for you already. Just buff 'em up a bit and you're good to go.

That's all I'm doing,,,,,

The factory scales clean up just fine!

Get some Krylon spray paint and you can have every color under the rainbow.

Really,, mine look pretty good right now.
Yeah i believe you Mark, not. I bet u have forged gold diamond incrusted scales, with unicorn horn wedge, lol.
I'm gonna totally blow my idea here, but has anyone ever etched a pattern all the way through a razor? I'm thinking of coating the thing in a few heavy coats of nail polish, then somehow opening windows in it, crank up some battery current through salt water and let it sit over night...or a week (hey, rechargeables, right). Not sure of the design yet, but I don't want to stop at just an etch, I wanna see through the blade itself. Only concern is isotropic etching under the nail polish. Maybe have to use high salt content and change it daily or sumpin'....

I think my blades will arrive tomorrow...if anyone else has a similar idea or way of doing it, go for it. Otherwise I'll post whatever I'm left with ;)
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If you can coat it good enough with a plastic coating perhaps epoxy you could use ferric chloride or muratic acid & hydrogen peroxide. I can only imagine it would take a few hours possibly a day or so to finish though. It also helps to bring the solutions up in temperature (Perhaps around 80-90 degrees). I wouldn't bring it anywhere near the point it could turn to vapor unless you didn't care to live much longer... Just understand that once it eats into the metal the plastic coating protecting the rest won't be there so it will begin to "erode" around the pattern. So you will want something with not a huge amount of detail and slightly smaller than what you want in the end so you can file it to a nice finish.
Some1 needs a laser cnc there only a few grand, lol. maybe you could engrave it rather than etch, or drill lots of tiny holes and file it??? cool idea though, good luck, cant say ive ever seen it done to a blade.
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