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Combining razors in one shave?

My question is: do any of you use more than one razor for a single shave?

For example, yesterday I used my Rockwell T2 to shave, but used my Henson mild to shave above my upper lip. Using this method I was able to get a BBS on my entire face.

No. More than one razor seems silly and cumbersome. A good adjustable should fit the bill if needed. That said, I use the Rockwell 6S and select the plate needed for the current beard growth. After few months I got good enough that I now never bother swapping plates. If I use an agreesive plate like 5, I only really need one pass with some touch up around the chin.

Regarding the upper lip. It can get tricky just under the nose. So my trick is to ride the cap for touchup in that area and it instantly cleaned up.
My question is: do any of you use more than one razor for a single shave? The only time I've seen this done on a video is when two razors are being compared. One side of the face is shaved with one razor and the other is shaved with the competitor. But I've discover that one razor does not necessarily work for my entire face. I like the smooth feeling of shaving against the grain above my upper lip. But the razor I use of the rest of my face may be two aggressive for this area.

For example, yesterday I used my Rockwell T2 to shave, but used my Henson mild to shave above my upper lip. Using this method I was able to get a BBS on my entire face.

Since I've never seen or heard of anyone else doing this I wanted your guys opinion.
Here is the Daily Doulble thread.

Do what works best for you. This is a common practice with people first learning to use shavettes or straight razors. A lot of people will use a straight on the face but a DE on the neck. Whatever is more comfortable for you is best.
I am a newbie, but my two cents is:
I don't see much down side. So if it is helping you enjoy your shave and/or get better results then I say go for it. If you end up figuring out how to do it just as well with one razor then you can always change it up later.

But it does make sense that someone might want a more/less aggressive setup on different parts of the face. It's not that different than saying you might want a different setup than someone else because you have a different face.
With some of my less efficient razors that have large heads, getting the last few whiskers directly under my nose can be a challenge (especially if there are blade guards preventing the use of the very edge of the blades). When I use razors like that, I use my Schick M injector razor to clean up those whiskers.
A shaving mentor of mine likes to shave using a straight and then clean up with a gillette fatboy. Seems like a winning combo to me and welcome!
Welcome! Do what works for you. I use the same razor for head and face shaving bit am considering the Blackland Osprey adjustable. There are times I prefer a closer face shave as I'm less sensitive there vs head shaving.
I did this by default last night. For example,
Well I started with a VanDerHagen adjustable at#6 with TREET Black Beauty(1) but the blade did pretty bad so I finished with FaTip Piccolo OC, a new TREET Black Beauty (1) kinda frustrating.🙄
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