I too found the brass ones were a little harsh on the cotton; I like the plastic ones from Brooks Brothers and Nordstrom. They're nice and thick, and don't get bent or misshapen easily like the thin ones.
I too found the brass ones were a little harsh on the cotton; I like the plastic ones from Brooks Brothers and Nordstrom. They're nice and thick, and don't get bent or misshapen easily like the thin ones.
I too found the brass ones were a little harsh on the cotton; I like the plastic ones from Brooks Brothers and Nordstrom. They're nice and thick, and don't get bent or misshapen easily like the thin ones.
Nordstrom used to carry aluminum ones, they probably still do. They would definitely be easier on cotton shirts.
I toss the plastic ones and use brass ones from Jos A Bank or any other's. I just have to remember to take them out from the cleaners which isn't hard since I only have a few sets and have to rotate them like I do my soaps are razors.
W A R N I N G !
prepare yourself, you're about to read several stupid questions:
how do these work? what if my collars don't have the little holes on the underside?
(admittedly, i'm not big on dress shirts and ties, etc. but wear lots of casual dress shirts if that makes any sense whatsoever)
big finish: what is their function/benefit?
warned you, yet you read on.
i'm purposely not google-ing as i plain prefer learning from you gentlemen about such things if you wouldn't mind a line or two...
Wifey bought me some custom chrome ones with quotes on them for Christmas one year from Red Envelope
Still wear them everyday!
Mine too! I always assumed that I was the only guy with them. I enjoy it when she picks out which I'll be using that day.
you can get brass ones on ebay I bought some from quality stays. They were like $15 for 24, they're nice enough to be inside my shirts!