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Coconut cream

I too am a huge fan of GFT. To my honker, it is a much more natural coconut fragrance than a pina colada. It has none of the artificial overtones found in some tanning lotions. It is a delicate, earthy coconut scent which infuses a first class cream.
how does the trumpers coconut cream compare to the soap?

It has been a good while since I used the coconut cream but I do have the soap on hand that I have been rotating with TOBS Sandalwood. The soap is pretty good but my recollection was that the cream just blew me away in terms of scent and performance. Maybe it's rose colored glasses but I probably would buy the cream again if it wasn't for the price.
There is also Stephen's Shave Cream which is sold by barber supply shops locally here in Phoenix. It has a coconut scent to it. Never tried it and I don't know if it lathers but the lady at Leonetti's Barber Supply told me that guys buy it by the case. I might check it sometime out of curiosity.
Well I have been using this shaving cream around last one years , It is very nice shaving cream, I really like that small, I am also using that coconut flavor cream after shave.
I got the GFT coconut last week. Just had my third shave with it today, and I really do think it is the most soothing, protective cream I have.

In my experience it is not only a good coconut, but one of the better creams period.
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