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Classic Album Discussion - Houses of the Holy


"Proper Bob"
The opening riff to "The Song Remains The Same" certainly grabs (it demands) your attention. Glad you finally got a listen Luc and glad you enjoyed it.

I am still listening to this in my car and it struck me how menacing Page's guitar sounds in "No Quarter".
A couple days ago I was driving home and was only a minute from home when 'The Ocean' started playing on the radio(iPod). Decided I needed to take a longer way home that day.

Great album! Not a fan of 'The Crunge' though.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
All right, I was able to listen to the album during the week-end. I enjoyed it. I got to say that I'm not the biggest Led Zeppelin fan, I prefer AC/DC but that might be a generation thing... I liked that it did not really have the "big hits" that I would expect to hear from Led Zeppelin. The opening of the album was fantastic. I was lucky to be able to listen to the vinyl version and not a CD. If I can find it, I would buy it.

I think those kind of reviews should be on the menu more often! Loved it!

Radio stations regularly only play about 5 Zep songs, and with the exception of Kashmir (the greatest song ever), they are not their best.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
The opening riff to "The Song Remains The Same" certainly grabs (it demands) your attention. Glad you finally got a listen Luc and glad you enjoyed it.

I am still listening to this in my car and it struck me how menacing Page's guitar sounds in "No Quarter".

The drums are great in it, too- of course, that goes without saying.


"Proper Bob"
A couple days ago I was driving home and was only a minute from home when 'The Ocean' started playing on the radio(iPod). Decided I needed to take a longer way home that day.

Great album! Not a fan of 'The Crunge' though.

The Crunge is Zep's nod to James Brown. Not their best song but obviously they're having some fun.
Great album. I had it on vinyl, then cassette, and I played it over and over and over. I'll have to dig out the CD and give it a run in the car tomorrow.

In the winter, I used to come home from H.S. and squeeze in a power nap before hockey practice five days a week. Houses, side one, tracks 1-3...my standard 20 minute power nap soundtrack. Then The Crunge would wake me up.

I have a CD with all the first 6 Zep albums (mp3) in my car. It's been in the stereo for about 3 weeks now. How can you not love The Crunge?

I love this album, actually I love their first 5.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
I have a CD with all the first 6 Zep albums (mp3) in my car. It's been in the stereo for about 3 weeks now. How can you not love The Crunge?

I love this album, actually I love their first 5.
Some great things on In Through the Out Door, like In the Evening and I'm Gonna Crawl (Page's greatest solo, IMO)


System Generated
I have a CD with all the first 6 Zep albums (mp3) in my car. It's been in the stereo for about 3 weeks now. How can you not love The Crunge?

I love this album, actually I love their first 5.

There is only 1 way to play Zeppelin, but I'l forgive you this time...just don't let it happen again. :001_cool:

My LZ collection is not complete yet, but it's getting there. LZ vinyl is not easy to come by (original) for a decent price and condition locally.:glare:

Zeppelin in any format is good, but Vinyl will always win in my house.


The Crunge is Zep's nod to James Brown. Not their best song but obviously they're having some fun.

same as Hot Dog...not a good song, but a fun one to listen to. I used to hate songs like Hot Dog, Crunge and a few others, but now I take them for what they are...the band having fun and doing what they want.

Side 1, Track 3 is my favorite, followed by Side 2, Track 3.
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Fridays are Fishtastic!
All mine are on CD. I coworker asked me if I ever saw the aalbum cover for III, because it has a spinning wheel to change pics. I had not. For christmas that year I got a pristine copy of it from him. Now I just need a phonograph


System Generated
All mine are on CD. I coworker asked me if I ever saw the aalbum cover for III, because it has a spinning wheel to change pics. I had not. For christmas that year I got a pristine copy of it from him. Now I just need a phonograph

Ah yes, the spinning cover. As you can see above, I have a couple copies of this one. :biggrin1:

Once you go Vinyl, you won't look back (I have multiple players, 1 on each floor of the house). Giant artwork, Giant lyric sheets, dusting the surface before playing (I have a full pre and post playing routine) listening to the album from Start to Finish opens up all sorts of gems you would once FF or skip.

I used to hate many songs when I only listened to CD's or tapes, many of which are now my favorites...No Quarter being one of them.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Ah yes, the spinning cover. As you can see above, I have a couple copies of this one. :biggrin1:

Once you go Vinyl, you won't look back (I have multiple players, 1 on each floor of the house). Giant artwork, Giant lyric sheets, dusting the surface before playing (I have a full pre and post playing routine) listening to the album from Start to Finish opens up all sorts of gems you would once FF or skip.

I used to hate many songs when I only listened to CD's or tapes, many of which are now my favorites...No Quarter being one of them.
I was born in 68, so I remember albums, but most of my purchases were cd. The first album I ever bought with my money was John Cougar's (aka Mellenkamps) first album, followed by Piano Man
I rediscovered that band after they came out with the re-masters. They're a lot like Genesis: real murky recording in the early days. The drums were hard to hear sometimes; that's how bad it got. Hearing the remasters was like a breath of fresh air.
Great review. Great album. I am a pretty big Zep fan. I do not know how I would rank this one against Physical Graffitti. I might argue that the latter was the apex, but this one is close. Big drop after PG.

I will have to check out the remasters. Interesting. Jimmy Page spent an enormous amount of time tweaking things in the studio at the time.
This is one of my favorite albums of all time. It happened to be the first Zeppelin album I bought, thanks to the insistence of an old gradeschool friend. I didn't like it at first because it was my first non-Queen foray into the classic rock game. I did like Dyer Maker quite a bit, and as I listened to it over the years, I have come to like it more and more. Over the Hills and Far Away has possibly my favorite guitar riff, thanks in no small part that I could actually play it even with my terrible guitar skills.

Interesting note: The cover is a psychedelic photo of Giants Causeway, a natural rock formation on the northern coast of Ireland...the more you know.


System Generated
I will have to check out the remasters. Interesting. Jimmy Page spent an enormous amount of time tweaking things in the studio at the time.

I have the following CD pressings: original, Remasters and Japan. to my ear (maybe in my head and from reading), but play the Japan pressings the most, if not exclusively when I am not spinning the vinyl.

here is a nice discussion on the Original VS Remastered and Here, based on some of those posts, the remasters are flawed with channel swaps, tape hiss etc.
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