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Check 6


I got moves like Jagger
I think it's more a risk-vs-reward as folks age, especially for octogenarians. My reading indicates higher risk of colon perforations and bleeding after 75. I'm only 58 but my mom is 87 and was wondering why they don't want to do any more for her; she was initially of the same mindset as you.
... 'oh well, the dude going to die pretty soon anyway.' :cuppa:
I have Crohn’s disease. Get checked every two years. They usually do both ends at the same time. Do the cameras from the colonoscopy and the endoscopy touch in the middle I wonder? Had my last set done a couple of months ago.
So, help me understand, Does Sir David Attenborough narrate these epic events? What happens if they leave one the camera crew behind unaccounted for? And no one has yet described the ''off gassing'' after?

Questions need answering. :sneaky2:


I smell like a Christmas pudding
I had my first colonoscopy in 2022 after a positive home test. I had 4 polyps removed from the sigmoid and the samples sent for testing. Thankfully the samples were benign and I was put on a three year program so I have my next procedure to look forward to later this year. I had no sedation, just Entonox gas, and watched the entire thing on a big screen - thirty minutes later I was driving home. It was not a pleasant experience by any means but nothing like as bad as I had imagined. The prep is worse than the procedure - four litres of Clean-Prep and no solid food and in truth even the prep is not 'that' bad. Get checked everyone and don't ignore the signs 👍
The gas is just a bonus, so we can say, "Not my fault." 🤷‍♂️

We have a large practice that we go to, it has 6 doctors that share an offsite facility. The way it’s set up is that there is a large room with approximately 16 beds set up with just curtains in between for pre and post procedure. When a family member is having the procedure done you set back and wait for them in the recovery area.

Since my wife says I have the humor level of a 12 year old I literally was in tears laughing the entire time waiting. It sounds like a huge bullfrog convention with all the gas being passed. You constantly hear the nurses telling patients to pass gas and it’s continuous with the amount of people coming back. It sounds like this: Come on PopPop you have to pass that gas. And when they do the nurses tell patients them, Good job!! I think I am more tired than my wife, because I am trying not to laugh the entire time.

Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
One of the rides I had on the Black Stallion I think they musta messed up the anaesthetic a little. I spent four hours sawing logs in recovery; they didn't want to let me go until I was awake and they were a little uncertain whether they should try to wake me up but I was breathing OK so they just let me lie there and deflate.

I heard later that I had delivered an incredible lecture to the crew in the theatre while under the juice. I keep thinking I'd like to have a tape of that, just to know. They were all laughing hysterically, not least because they weren't allowed to tell me what I'd been saying.

The only guy in a room full of pretty young women, and there I was with my bum in the air. Story of my life.

And darned glad to be here to tell it, too!

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