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Cella's Ingredients Have Been Changed - Looking for Another Italian Croap

yeah there isn't really anything wrong with EDTA or any other chemical that all these mass producers insist on using to get that perfect lather the wet shaving community lusts for, but some of us just simply don't want to harm our skin, eyes and organs. Yeah I know. The air i breathe and the food I eat.... Actually, I am more careful about those but putting chemicals directly on your skin does lead to problems. You just might not realize it or simply are not affected by it. Some of us are, and even if we aren't, why harm myself when there are plenty other artisan soaps I have found that do not contain such chemicals and perform just as good if not better than all these TOBS, T&H, Geo Trumper, AOS, and other Kingpins out there?

I was a CELLA user for 9 years straight, shaved with NOTHING else. I wanted a change and wanted something else with no scent. I just happened to find this info today right here. A shame. Have I been shaving with EDTA all along for the last 5 years since 2013? Possibly. But I don't remember seeing my label contain that. I can't tell currently if I was doing so up until I switched soaps since the label is mangled from water underneath my red jar. I now use Catie's Bubbles Le Nude with better results than Cella. And I now shave outside the shower and get BBS as opposed to having to shave in the shower with all that steam and poisoning myself with the water. I feel much better both ways.

I did order Meissner Puristic which looks promising. I was about to start using Gentlemens Refinery unscented but they added Sodium Hydroxymethylglycinate and Sodium Borate which is Borax. Seems like a short ingredient list but nah, not interested in those 2 ingredients either.

The only SOFT creams I have noticed that do not contain harmful ingredients is Speick and POSSIBLY Musgo Real Classic but it does have the colors in there and fragrance.

The ones with the least ingredients are mostly croaps. Haven't found any hard soaps that are unscented with minimal ingredients. Possibly Mike's or Mama bear but Mike is out of stock. I can care less about scent. I don't use aftershave or cologne either. Just my minimalist preference.
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