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Not my favorite scent, but it does seem to be the one I reach for most often when I'm just randomly sniffing soaps in my bathroom....don't judge...
Cella smells like Dr. Pepper to me, some say it smells like Cherries...
I love it's scent, and the performance of the product.

"Cella is Bella!"
Cella smells like Dr. Pepper to me, some say it smells like Cherries...
I love it's scent, and the performance of the product.

"Cella is Bella!"

+1 on the 1 K brick. Dr. Pepper or mild cherry smell. The red tub smells like almonds.

Awesome product.
SWMBO hates it...it reminds me of eating almond petit fours (small square cakes covered with marzipan) as a kid...so needless to say I keep it.
I find Cella to be a very mild scent , I use it almost all the time.. It leaves my face feeling better afterwards than any other soap I used , I am guessing because there are not many , if any preservatives in it.. It is reasonably priced and lathers up a storm..
Cella's scent, as discussed in another thread, takes on a playdough smell as it ages; I find that Vitos Red has a different type of playdough scent from the start. But, to me, Cella's aged scent changes when lathered. I don't particularly like aged Cella's pre-lathered scent but I love its lathered scent, as well as its performance.
Good to know I'm not the only one who doesn't like the cella smell. I'll have to try the razorock, I really do like the performance of cella
I've heard it smells like amaretto - and I'm for that! Does anyone sell Cella samples? I'd like to give it a shot without committing to a whole tub or block.
Am I the only person who finds the scent of Cella to be similar to the smell of hand soap in a lot of public restrooms? Don't get me wrong, I like the scent just fine and the soap is pretty darn good, but there are similarities between them.
I don't have Cella but I love TOBS Almond. Can anyone compare these two against each other for me? I realize ones a cream and Cella is more of soap/croap? But scent wise.
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I find Cella's almond scent to be very light, and pleasant. It doesn't last at all after the shave, so that's good too. Performance is 1st rate.
I had the same reaction the first time I opened the tub. I was disappointed, because I had heard great things, but the scent almost made me ill. It completely changed when I lathered it up though. It became very mild and clean smelling. It almost reminds me of hotel soap.
I have both Cella and TOBS Almond and enjoy both of them. The TOBS Almond has a much brighter, stronger almond scent. If you like TOBS Almond, I think you'd also like Cella. Reading the posts here from people who don't like Cella, I have to think they probably just don't like almond scented soaps or creams of any make, not just Cella. I bought a kilo brick of Cella and have no regrets. FWIW, I haven't seen any posts knocking Cella's performance, only its scent. Even some who don't seem to particularly like the scent have said it is a great performing soap. So if you like almond scent, you'll probably like Cella. Cheers!
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