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Cella, just reminded me tonight of why it is still one of the best!

WoW! Tried it for the first time this morning. Now I know what all the fuss is about. I Got a great shave... and lather all over the place. I thought Tabac was a great performer, man was I in for a treat. This stuff lathers as soon as it knows you will use it, lol. The scent was not what I was expecting (not bad though) but my little four year old put it into perspective... "It smells like bubble gum daddy". After one shave I can assure you this soap will definitely be in my rotation with future buys :thumbup:
I was lucky to get some cella from a member here that did a split of the 1kg block. I love it.

I call it my "comfort soap"... kind of like comfort food, but in a shaving soap. It's been around for decades and it's a simple formula. Its easy to get a huge mountain of sweet smelling rich lather. It's a soap that reminds you of days gone by. I'm not sure why but I get a sense of nostalgia when I use it, even though I have no childhood memory or connection to this soap or scent.

Cella is apple pie, but from Italy. :001_smile
For all the RazoRock variants that seem to be appearing almost on a daily basis now, you cannot forget that sometimes the traditional soaps like Cella and Valobra are still leaders in their own right. One hundred years or so in production and you get the message quite clearly. Variations can come(and go) but there's no denying there is only one Cella!:001_wub::thumbup::thumbup:
I also just got my first shave with Cella this morning and I definitely approve. I like the smell and it is not overpowering (I got some Vitos with Coconut Oil as well, and I think I'll have to air that out for a night because that is just sickly sweet to me). Easy to lather, and I come out of it without feeling dry or irritated.

Definitely a product I could see myself using full time so unless something else blows me away in the near future I may have to become boring and stick with a kg of Cella for a year.
Cella is just OK with me. It has gotten a bit easier to use since I removed it from that silly red mini-tub, and put it into an empty RazoRock artisan tub. I just wonder what is the scope of other creams and soaps that the posters have used. There are so many excellent products. IMHO, Cella is just not special-very good for the price but Razorock Classic and XXX are much superior.
Cella is just OK with me. It has gotten a bit easier to use since I removed it from that silly red mini-tub, and put it into an empty RazoRock artisan tub. I just wonder what is the scope of other creams and soaps that the posters have used. There are so many excellent products. IMHO, Cella is just not special-very good for the price but Razorock Classic and XXX are much superior.

You have to remember that it is always about the soaps that work for that particular person. Razorock Classic and XXX are excellent shave soaps I love XXX and have bought a few extra tubs just in case they stop manufacturing it. I am not sure if the difference can really be detected or not but I do know that Cella is made with tallow and the RR Classic and XXX are not. How important that is or if it makes a difference in performance I really could not say as I used both with great enthusiasm. My scope of soaps are Mike's Natural Shave Soap, QCS shave cream, Proraso Shave Cream, RR Fresco, XXX, Don Marco, Cumba Cheech, King Louie, La Toja, Arko, Speick, Palmolive, Mystic Water, VDH, Williams, and Cella. They all work well, but some just are at a different level be it their fragrance, the luxurious feel of the their lather, their moisturizing properties, and their consistent performance when it comes to my shave. Cella is a classic that I had almost forgot about with all the new soaps that have been discussed this past year and my whole post was about how much I enjoyed using it again and thought others might want to do the same.
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