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Celebration of Life & 500 post PIF

To All -

I have just returned home from the Celebration of Life for my 80 year old Grandmother, otherwise known as Mimi. She passed peacefully last Wednesday after a bout of Lung Cancer, COPD & Pneumonia. She was surrounded by her entire family. She was our "Rock" and she will be dearly missed. Mimi is in a better place with her mother, husband, my father and many others we love and miss.

Mimi was an amazing woman. A go-getter, very strong minded and incredibly independant. She was the type of woman who blazed a path for generations of women to come in her professional life and a real role model for our entire family. She enjoyed rubbing elbow's with Arnold Palmer (when I was little, he took me to hit balls on the range!) Greg Norman & other friends of hers from the Orlando Country Club. She loved spending time at her ocean front vacation house in New Smyrna Beach. She loved to play Pinochle, drink her scotch and smoke her cigarettes. She would often refer to her time on the porch as her time to "Cuss, Drink & Smoke". Mimi loved life. We called it a Celebration of Life because she wouldn't have wanted a funeral.

She raised her family to treat people right, be thoughtful of others and stand up for what you believe in. She taught us boys to open the doors for our ladies (a lost art in this country) and many other "old-fashioned" ways that will be passed on for generations to come. That my friends, is where B&B comes in.

I started wetshaving ~6 years ago, although using a Fusion along with it. Mimi loved the fact I started using a brush and soap like her husband did. (My father, with relatively no facial hair skipped to an electric!) A few months ago, I heard about B&B from a friend and it piqued my interest once again about DE shaving. I haven't looked back since. This site has taught me soo much through it's generous members...always willing to help and share their knowledge. In today's day and age, frankly, it's refreshing. When I saw my 500th post was coming, it absolutely made sense that I needed to do a PIF in her memory.

Sooooo, without further adieu...Mimi's PIF.


'52 Gillette Tech Bakelite
Art of Shaving Badger travel brush
2-3 oz. C.O. Bigelow (Proraso) Cream
2-3 oz. Kiss My Face Key Lime Cream
1/2 Arko Stick
10 Blade "Sampler"
- 2 Feathers
- 2 Astra Super Platinums
- 2 SuperMax Super Platinums
- 4 Derby's

Rather than send one cream, I thought it would be neat for someone to recieve a few different types...especially the ARKO! I think you'll be impressed, once you get passed the smell.

What makes you qualify? Sorry for those over the pond, but this is CONUS only. I'd like it to go to a Newbie who hasn't had the experience of a DE or many of it's pleasures...therefore somone under 50 posts. Take a guess at Mimi's birthday and whoever is ON or Closest on July 4th, 2012 will win. That should allow for some of you lurkers to sign up and get in. Simply state "I'm in" and take a guess. Hint: Yes, it is between 1/1 - 6/20

I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you fine members at B&B for your assistance on my DE journey & making it a very pleasurable one. Cheers!
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Great PIF... I'm going to guess 6/18.

Condolences, but it sounds like she had a great life and I think when I go I'd want the same thing. Those that I loved and cared about having a good time remembering me and not spending too much time in morning.
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My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. Your Grandmother helped raise a wonderful grandson.

Congratulations on your 500 post milestone. Great PIF. Please do not include me.

Enjoy your shaves.



Fridays are Fishtastic!
Bumping to the front page (don't include me). Your grandmother sounds a lot like mine, though she was a gin rummy player. She was 4'10" of spit fire that could keep my 6'3", 250lb father in line. I remember, when playing cards, she would occasionally bust out singing "She drinks and she smokes/ and she tells dirty jokes/ she's the girlfriend of Sigma Psi" then laugh uproariously. She was a blast, and I wish I knew a gin rummy player for old time sake.
Bumping to the front page (don't include me). Your grandmother sounds a lot like mine, though she was a gin rummy player. She was 4'10" of spit fire that could keep my 6'3", 250lb father in line. I remember, when playing cards, she would occasionally bust out singing "She drinks and she smokes/ and she tells dirty jokes/ she's the girlfriend of Sigma Psi" then laugh uproariously. She was a blast, and I wish I knew a gin rummy player for old time sake.

I think they might have been sisters! Thanks for the bump!

Thanks for the sentiments Gents! I really hope some of you Newbie's get in to play...
I lost my grandmother last December. She sounds a lot like yours. She believed in good manners too. My condolences on your loss. Awesome pif for someone.
-don't count me in-

But I'm sorry to hear of your loss. She sounds like a wonderful lady. Hope it was a wonderful celebration
Sounds like a great PIF for someone
Although you probably didn't come here for our condolences, it sounds like your grandmother was a great woman. And although she is no longer here physically, honoring her with this PIF and other actions is a great way for her memory to live on.

Great PIF for you noobs out there. Please don't count me in as I do not qualify (although i wish i could get my hands on some Arko).
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