180's the number I'm I'm pinning my hat on, but I'm nearly certain it's wrong.
I gave up counting and decided to leverage the power of the our large(ish) sample population or people who presumably did try to guess their very best. So, after computing the standard deviation and discarding outliers, it seems that, unless the majority of our members can't even come close to the right answer, the number of blades in the jar is very near 135.
So my prediction (*makes lots of impressive handwaving and psychic gestures*) is that one of Malacoda, spyoly, dchasef, blades033, laconic1, Mr_Amazing, mr_economy, kooshman7, TSWebster, or superbleu (probably Mr_Amazing) will take it.
(Though, means and standard deviations aside, 87 and 93 were, inexplicably, the most popular guesses.)
It'd've been nice if there'd been a little hole right at 135 for me to guess . . .