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Caption the Picture Birthday PIF

Grey cat "This stinks"
Black cat "Remember what mum used to say, once you get past the smell you have it licked"
Smells Like Nirvana..."It's hard to bargle nawdle zouss/With all these marbles in my mouth".[SUP] thanks Wierd Al.[/SUP]
"Soft kitty, warm kitty, Little ball of fur.
Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, Purr, purr, purr."

In case you want to see a hilarious clip of this little caption.
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"It's my new soap; the latest from Mitchell's. It's called 'Herring Fat'. The only problem is you have to have salt water to get a good lather."
Well, having forgotten the reason for the pif, I'd like to enter one more caption to correct that mistake:

- Are you sure he'll like this birthday gift ? I heard he's got lots of brushes already, so many he's giving some away...
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