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Cap Riding Affiliated Participants

Monday's day off Crap incessant shave....

Razor- Baili BD191 TTO Adjustable
Blade- Gillette Astra Superior Platinum (1)
Brush- PAA Solar Flare 24mm Synthetic
Lather- Stirling Glacial Citron (Menthol Monday)
Post- Dickenson's W/Eucalyptus
Pino Silvestre Original AS

A great 3 pass shave WTG, XTG and ATG with touch up. Have a wonderful day fellow Crappers!!!

Tuesdays Crap....

Razor- Maggard V3M W/MR11 Handle
Blade- Gillette Astra Superior Platinum (2)
Brush- Parker BCSY 24mm Synthetic
Lather- Proraso Blue
Post- Dickenson's W/Eucalyptus
Yaqi Smoking Aces Sample AS

A glorious 3 pass shave WTG, XTG and ATG with touch up. Have a wonderful day gentlemen.

Hump day, Crap day......

Razor- Weishi 9306 (Weishi Wednesday)
Blade- Gillette Astra Superior Platinum (3)
Brush- DSC Amber Smoke G7 22mm Synthetic
Lather- Arko
Post- Dickenson's W/Eucalyptus
Lustray Blue Spice AS

A great 3 pass shave WTG, XTG and ATG with touch up. Have a wonderful day gentlemen.

Fridays blissful Crapfoolery...

Razor- Muhle R41 W/MR5 Handle
Blade- Gillette Astra Superior Platinum (5)
Brush- Yaqi Black Marble 24mm Synthetic
Lather- Stirling Barbershop
Post- Dickenson's W/Eucalyptus
Pinaud Clubman (Clubman Friday)

A great 3 pass shave WTG, XTG and ATG with touch up. Have a wonderful day gentlemen.

Sundays Craptastick ride.....

Razor- Yaqi The Final Cut Adjustable
Blade- Gillette Astra Superior Platinum (7) Binned
Brush- DSC 24mm Pure Badger
Lather- Sir Hare Classic Barber
Post- Dickenson's W/Eucalyptus
Stirling Duke AS

A wonderful 3 pass shave WTG, XTG and ATG with touch up. Have a wonderful day gentlemen.

Monday's day off Crapfoolery....

Razor- Baili BD191 TTO Adjustable
Blade- Shark Super Stainless (1)
Brush- PAA Solar Flare 24mm Synthetic
Lather- LEA Mentolada (Menthol Monday)
Post- Dickenson's W/Eucalyptus
Lustray Spice
Vintage Shulton Old Spice Cologne

A beautiful 3 pass shave WTG, XTG and ATG with touch up. Have a great start of the week.

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