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Cal's "I don't do journals" Journal


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Very interesting “cream.” Am I correct in my assumption that it is more gel like than creamy? It has some good stuff in there, but it looks almost like the ingredients for a pre-shave. I like that it stays moist. I have something similar from Jatai, I will have to compare them. Cheers!

Brush: none
Cream: Cella Rapid (8)
Razor: 1947 Knockout
Blade: Personna Red (5)
ASL: Clubman

An excellent shave. :biggrin:
This (software and hardware) team gets better every shave. :w00t:

Happy shaves guys. :cornut:
I'm applying for membership of the Souplex Owners Club, please.

I had my first shave with the Morecambe Marvel this evening. Thank you so much Scott (@Lee Van Cleft) for getting me this (hollow handled) marvel (LINK), much appreciated. :thumbup:

Just one shave (I'll do my usual seven consecutive trial shaves with it), and I'm in love. :001_wub:

So, on to my first Souplex OC SOTD:

Morecambe Marvel SOTD

Brush: none
Cream: Cella Rapid (9)
Razor: Souplex [hollow handled] Open Comb. The Morecambe Marvel. (1)
Blade: Personna Red (6)
ASL: Caffè Latte [home brew]

A fabulous shave. :biggrin:
My first shave with the Morecambe Marvel was superb. :w00t:

I'm a Lightweight Handle Fanboy (LHF), so that was the reason I asked Scott (@Lee Van Cleft) for the hollow handled version.

For a lightweight it's quite heavy (considering its size). Here's a pic of it (16.3 grams) with my GT (15 gram) handle:

The GT was made by my (late) good friend Doug (@Rosseforp). It's hollow with an aluminum body and stainless steel nose and tail. I guess the Souplex handle is brass.

For anyone who's interested I measured my new (to me) Souplex OC. HERE'S THE MEASUREMENTS:

Complete razor (loaded): 41.3g (dimension 79.5mm)
Cap: 13.4g
Blade: 0.5g
Baseplate: 11.1g
Handle: 16.3g (dimensions 75.3mm x 8.5mm [across the flats] and 9.7mm [MAX])

That's probably all TMI, but there you go. :laugh:

Happy shaves guys. :cornut:
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