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Butter or Margarine

  • Butter

  • Margarine

  • Dont care

  • Arts special sauce

  • Lard-the other white spread

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Life is too short to entertain inadequate substitutes.

It's the same difference between the well made hot lather whipped from a premium shave cream or soap, or goo in the can.

Wait, did I intend to say it that way?!? :eek:
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I cannot understand the use of margarine. I don't see it as having any health benefit, so why bother?
There's no comparison in taste or cooking value!
No, sorry, I didn't mean to cause any offence. I just was having a laugh, because there's so many topics on this board that fall into the "really?" category and most of them I think are fun to participate in...it cracks me up, some of the stuff guys ask other guys about here. Things that would never have come up in conversations with friends IRL.

You mean you've never discussed the merits of letting your boys hang loose in a pair of boxers with your RL friends? Or discussed how hard it is not to faceturbate in public? Or compared skincare regimens to see why Joe's face never seems to age? :rolleyes:

I have butter and margarine in my household. I like butter but I haven't mastered the art of not leaving crumbs in it yet, much to Mrs. Chip's chagrin. As for why people would possibly eat margarine, I know a few lactose intolerant people and even butter causes them issues.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Warning to those of you who want to vote for margarine. We are in the process of linking the poll to your avatar. If you vote for margarine, your avatar will now say "Kick me".

I voted for butter because duck fat wasn't an option.
Butter and as far as cooking with bacon fat....yep, none of those squirt cans of cooking oil for me.
I grew up on margarine, but not all margarines are alike. It had to be Becel -I believe in the 'States it's marketed as "Promise" - It's high in polyunsaturated fatty acids and actually reduces your blood cholesterol level. It's got %80 less saturated fat than butter and no trans-fats. Plus, unlike most, if not all other margarine it actually tastes good, close to butter, but not in the artificial "im trying to taste like butter" way if that makes any sense.

Although now that I've moved out, it's butter all the way, you just can't bake or cook properly with margarine, and although I do occasionally enjoy it on toast, or especially to make my rare Kraft Dinner with, it's not worth keeping margarine around.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
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