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My elbows leak
Staff member
Certainly the presence of an ingredient does not guarantee performance.
Can you mention just one really crappy tallow soap? I am just curious, without challenging.
Off the top of my head - L'Occitane before they went tallow free. It was not a good soap IMHO. It got even worse when they went tallow free.
The first reformulation of DR Harris the re-re-formulation is pretty good. A real crap show that stuff was.
B&M - Their Melange soap is absolute garbage in my opinion. I've never had a soap that caused skipping and sticking like that stuff.
A couple of artisan soaps that I can't recall the name of off the top of my head.
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Off the top of my head - L'Occitane before they went tallow free. It was not a good soap IMHO. It got even worse when they went tallow free.
The first reformulation of DR Harris the re-re-formulation is pretty good. A real crap show that stuff was.
B&M - Their Melange soap is absolute garbage in my opinion. I've never had a soap that caused skipping and sticking like that stuff.
A couple of artisan soaps that I can't recall the name of off the top of my head.
Phew, sounds like I dodged the bullet on every single one.
Thanks for heads up.
1)Years ago cap riding was recommended as the correct way to use a razor. Steep angle proponents were few and far between. Only the purchase of a FOCS finally persuaded me to try a steeper angle to amazing results.

2)Recently went against a generally accepted concept of using sharp blades in mild razors and tried a mild blade in a mild razor. The shave was very tuggy and less comfortable than usual, but I was able to obtain an effortless BBS shave. No irritation, no weepers, and able to add a third ATG pass which I had given up going for years ago. I’ve got different mild blades coming in my next order to experiment further.
Many myths an d legends are finically motivated, and nothing more than well placed subliminal ad campaign.

Many people in some hobbies are always looking for the next greatest invention, or super accessory to make them better at hobby.

Believe none of what you hear, half of what you see, and learn to research extravagant claims to be truth or fiction.
This thread seems very similar to the "Your Most Unpopular/Controversial Shaving Opinion(s)" thread, and both illustrate that as experiences and preferences differ widely, so too will opinions.

Ask 10 shavers a question and you may get 10 different answers...and while there are also many agreed-upon favorites, opinion is rarely unanimous.

There is no "right way" but rather what works for you. I have many opinions contrary to popular opinion here.

(I think I just wrote the same thing, three different ways 😄)

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Just for the record, I don't often use alum. I agree that it tends, on my skin, to be drying.

I find most aftershaves pleasant enough assuming I enjoy the scent. However, I find most of them a bit drying, too. That might just be me and my skin, but it is what it is.

Dry facial skin after shaving has long been a problem for me. I recall it being much more of a problem way back in college. Back then it was a nightmare. I didn't know what to do about it.

Now I have very little trouble with too much dry skin. I know what to do, thanks to the help of many of you, and thanks to my own rather off the wall experiments, plus some good luck.

We have to individually find our own way.

Happy shaves to you,



I shaved a fortune
I think the only "mild" DE blade I have is the Astra SP Greens... Our youngest son gave me 100 of them, along with the Lupo Aluminum... I only used that blade in that razor once... It set me off on the search for a better shave as I hated everything about that one. I've never even contemplated using either again... Probably my loss... I've tried to give the Lupo away several times and no one has wanted it... I didn't outright offer it free... but free with an order of my other stuff.... and throw in with an ATT Windsor Pro that is now gone to a new owner...
I have a growing animosity to the "wisdom" or legend or myth of telling newbies to learn DE shaving on some vintage Tech or Super Speed.

Imagine for a moment I'm a new guy and I ask, "Hey, I'm new to straight razors. Can someone recommend a good daily driver, autopilot straight razor? Something mild?"

I'd be met with bemusement, I think. Outright laughter, even.

The razor you buy is the razor you learn with. Regardless if it is a Futur or a Tech.


I shaved a fortune
I have a growing animosity to the "wisdom" or legend or myth of telling newbies to learn DE shaving on some vintage Tech or Super Speed.

Imagine for a moment I'm a new guy and I ask, "Hey, I'm new to straight razors. Can someone recommend a good daily driver, autopilot straight razor? Something mild?"

I'd be met with bemusement, I think. Outright laughter, even.

The razor you buy is the razor you learn with. Regardless if it is a Futur or a Tech.
I think that starting razor matters. I see lots of advice for "stay with what you already have"... Sometimes, that razor is known to be horrible for anyone, let alone a newbie. If they bought some cheap razor from Amazon and are expected to get good shaves with it as they develop their technique.... Well, it's more than likely they'll just give up.

I agonized over my first razor... but got lucky and got advice from Brian Mulreany, the former owner of ESC in Scotland. No one told me to stick with it... I sort of did that naturally. I used that razor alone for 5+ months. I did develop the beginnings of a sound technique and have continued to learn since then.

The advice a newbie gets is often overwhelming... You need this or that... I often tell the newbies to do a lot of reading to spare themselves mistakes early on... I'm not sure how many people follow that, but if you can learn from others, you can save tons of money, learn the techniques required to get a good shave in less time than trying everything on your own. I realize, the only way to put that knowledge into practice is to get a blade on your face.
Recently moved to room tenpish or coler water and superior comfort
the hot water thing does strip more oils and is not as good on the skin which makes sense but glad I moved and wish I had done it earlier

But the hot cold is only a personal preference and the “science” I hear about hot water is superior makes me laugh

and the my whiskers are thicker than yours so have to use hot makes me laugh with red being thickest then goes darkest to lightest being thickest also darker hair color has less of them where finer hair like blonde you have more of them :)

for the others I read :)
yeah SV soap is a vegan soap that is out of this world and the Noble Otter that is my tied with SV is Tallow so IMHO great soap is great soap another personal choice

like the OP out of the shower I have worse shaves even if its just a rinse type shower I think the face gets to soft I dont use soap on my face in the shower either and another personal thing

I had alum at the start based on the rumor and yeah no go for me big time again I think this is just personal choice again
I think @syljal does that, too. You got the tuggy BBS with a RazoRock Old Type and Tiger Platinum, right? He’s been using a Feather AS-D2 and Dovo/Merkur Allemande blades if I cyberstalked correctly

Yep, that is it exactly. As soon as the vendor I use receives the Tiger Stainless he is waiting for I will be getting some of those and the ultimate/infamous mildest blade…the Derby Extra🙀, also some Derby Premiums, all of which are new to me.

Had horrible experience with German made Wilkies which colored my opinion of German blades in general. Now I may look into getting some Dovo’s for the heck of it too.
Недавно пошел против общепринятой концепции использования острых лезвий в мягких бритвах и попробовал мягкое лезвие в мягкой бритве. Бритье было очень тугим и менее комфортным, чем обычно, но мне удалось добиться легкого бритья BBS. Никакого раздражения, никаких слез и возможность добавить третий проход ATG, от которого я отказался много лет назад. В следующем заказе у меня будут другие мягкие лезвия, чтобы поэкспериментировать дальше.
Can you share a list of "soft" blades based on your experience?
I don't use alum, never have. I don't generally use aftershave for the "aftershave", but if I do it is for the scent. I occasionally use aftershave balm, but not often. I use Rosken cream on my face after I shave. I shave after I have showered and my showers are not hot (but only because we don't have genuinely hot water, here, and it is too hot and muggy, anyway). I don't use drying soaps. It isn't rocket science. Whatever is good for your skin without over doing it is the way to go.
Can you share a list of "soft" blades based on your experience?
The mildest blade I own is the Tiger platinum, which is supposed to be exactly the same as the Tatra platinum. I will be testing their stainless version as soon as my usual vendor receives them.

Derby Extra also has a reputation for being mild, will be trying those soon to.

It has been a while, but if I recall correctly the Israeli made Crystals were mild too, but it’s been years since they’ve been made.
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