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Brush School


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Choosing your first shaving brush
Shave Brush Hair Grades
Bulb Shaped vs Fan Shaped
*PICS* The difference between Pure, Best and Silvertip Badger.....
Interactive Guide to the Shaving Brushes

First badger brush advice

true. the above links will help "school" you on brushes. from there, you will need to search and read and come up with some brushes to decide on.

good luck.

Thank you brother! Those links are a great start! Looks like I have a long long road ahead of me!
FWIW, my first brush was the oft-maligned Tweezerman. It softened up considerably over the years, to the point that it feels softer than a few of the 'silvertips' I've tried. And, at 10 bucks, it's hard to go wrong as a starter brush.
I bought a Silvertip Badger from Frank Shaving on eBay for under 30 bucks with shipping and I think it kicks ***! Holds a ton of water and whips up a solid lather in no time.
Rudy Vey is a gentleman and a craftsman. His work is absolutely top of the line. Tweezerman brushes are decent entry-level brushes. There are a few gents in here that really like their Tweezermans and use them as travel brushes. If you want to step up to Simpson, a good introductory Simpson brush is the Simpson Commodore in Best, which will be cheaper than the Parker Silvertip on West Coast Shaving, and be a fantastic brush that will last.

Guys thanks for the ideas and opinions! Seems like the possibilities are endless when it comes to brushes!!

Boy oh boy, did you put your finger on it right there.


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If you want to step up to Simpson, a good introductory Simpson brush is the Simpson Commodore in Best, which will be cheaper than the Parker Silvertip on West Coast Shaving, and be a fantastic brush that will last.

IMO, there are so many other manufactures you can "step up to" outside Simpson. if you get a good simpson, you get a good simpson, but you never know what you will get when you order one. they are overpriced and the knots are all over the place in terms of feel and loft and size. if you do go the Simpson route, go with a used one or have the vendor check the specs before you buy.....that way you know what you are getting before you open the box.

the only thing Simpson has going for them these days are the handles....like i said, unless you get a "good" one. some love the current 2 bands, but again you may get 22/53 or 25/44 if you order a 24/50 knot.

A better option to get into a quality badger would be to step up to a custom Shavemac or Thater, Rooney, Semogue etc....and in my eyes the German and UK knots are far superior to anything the China knots can produce.
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What's the deal with brushes people? I need to be schooled in the worst way. I don't mind spending the money if the product is right.

Thanks in advance!


You can get a little crazy with brushes, I know I did. If I were starting over and looking for a couple that don't break the bank, I would have started with what I have now as my daily drivers (although I have a lot of others) - Semogue Owners Club in cherry and a 620 as well - both are boar. The 620 for soaps/croaps and the SOC for creams although it works well on soaps. Should be able to do both for about $60 and will allow you to to use one while the other is completing the drying process. Once the tips get broken in, they only get better with time. Good luck.
Think i'm going to the give the Semogue 620 a shot and I do see one of those Semogue Owners club badger brush in my near future . I've read good things about both.

Plus these two are getting lonely...lol :biggrin1:

this is a great topic i have been de shaving for about 7 or 8 months now and i am still not sure about brushes.i see all kinds of prices some quite steep but i am sure there are lots of good deals to be had.my 2 favourites right know are a Tweezerman and a Wilkinson sword brush! i did not pay alot for them and they seem to do the job,but i noted on YOUTUBE i see some guys using brushes that seem to flatten out on their faces and the lathering seems quite good! anyway i have seen some good suggestions on here! thanks alot!
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