I'm glad to see this brush being featured, as I own one thanks to Jim @Chan Eil Whiskers. (See, enablers can be enabled, too!) I will use mine for my next shave and share the results.
I forgot to post my picture yesterday. This is the brush after the first pass face lathering.regular loading for 15 counts gave sufficient lather for one pass, but I needed 10 additional counts for the ATG pass.
Yeah, the traditional Italian Barber handle. For a moment I thought you were referring to the guys from Razorock.Hmm. I have the same brush, but mine is a resin handle. That's the XL "Italian Barber"
Handle, yes?
Marty, it was a pleasure interacting with you on BST/PMs. I’m so glad you are enjoying the razor.So this has been my gear so far for the new year. As you can see, I have let the brush (2 years owned) develop its patina. The bristles are soft but with backbone. Being a face latherer, I have no complaints about the bristles, the splay, it's release of lather, or how it produces lather.
Of course, with a D.R. Harris soap, there aren't any issues with producing lather.
The razor blade combo has to be one of the smoothest I have ever experienced-and why I'm using this combo for several shaves. I'm not one who espouses the differences in shaves between a low-cost razor vs. a high-cost razor. Having said that however, the Timeless SS .95 (bronze cap, ss baseplate and Ti Crown handle) has truly been an eye opener. The Polsilver I loaded in it had been used 2-3x previously and has provided some of my best shaves EVER.
is it the scallops? Don't know. Is it because it costs more? Don't know. Better quality? Definitely in fit and finishes available. The 1st razor that really impressed me was the RR GameChanger SS .95. That razor allowed me to get the best out of my Feather blades-I don't use any other blade when using any of my GameChangers. However, the Timeless SS. 95 is definitely on another level. My neck is a tricky area that will let me know if my technique isn't right. Absolutely no issues using the Timeless on this area.
I truly have to thank Kim(Phoenixkh) for putting this on the BST.
The Zenith brush whipped up a lather that was creamy and thick on my face and head. It provided the scrub while still being soft. It released the lather I needed on the 2nd pass (both areas) while still having enough in the brush for another pass if needed.
If this razor and brush had been around when I started, I could see myself being a minimalist.
Well, Bill, that might just actually be me winging it while typing the post. My little voice said “sure?!”, but there was no stopping it. Officially it’s about 28mm. I may have had the 2BED knot too much on my mind. That one is 30mm.I didn't realize that was a 30mm knot.
I need to post my experience of today stil, but that is exactly what I was thinking about today. This brush is for hard soaps and face lathering. I decided to use the 2BED tomorrow to verify my hypothesis, but with you chiming in as well makes it even more valuable.For @Guido75, I used my Zenith Manchurian today. I think its the same as the copper handle in this Chronicle. It performed beautifully with the hard soap and face lathering. I really think this is the sweet spot for a badger this big.
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